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  4. Finally, the doctor who provides the most popular answer - "the Featured Answer," gets an added benefit by allowing patients to write rave reviews about your expertise - reviews that are submitted to both Google and Google Local through our Preferred Data Provider relationship.

Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Tired of this

For several weeks now I have been suffering from my vagina being red sore, itchy and inflamed. I have been tested for Stds and I am clean. I have had bv medication and yeast infection medication and neither seem to take care of the problem. I haven't changed any detergents & I don't soap. I was using a vaginal suppository to correct the PH but it didn't seem to work so I stopped. I have been using cream but it's not improving. Could IUD cause these issues? Or taking baths?
  • Female | 22 years old
  • Complaint duration: 21 days
  • Medications: Predisone
  • Conditions: Allergic reaction -undetermined cause being treated for this right now. Not related issue

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Taking a bath will not cause this. How many baths have you taken and been fine? It is good you ruled out the usual suspects. Has anything stressful been going on? FIghts with boyfriend or work trouble? THat can all make you susceptible to infection, or other issues. The right homeopathic remedy will help you have healthy hormones and healthier tissue all over, but these are prescribed individually for you. Go to find someone near you who can help without side effects.
The best thing to do is to avoid

taking baths and stop using the

medications until the cause of

the irritation is detected and

determining whether the IUD

might be aggravating this.
The IUD would not cause vulvovaginitis. Your problem seems to be dysbacteriosis, caused by the combination of medications and applications you used prior and after. As a result, the vaginal flora has become unbalanced, and the excess discharge is triggered as your body's attempts to flush out the microbial toxins, and acidic by-product. Stop taking antibiotics and anti-fungal means. Rehabilitation includes: Zell Immunocomplex (learn the contraindications and choose the adequate dosage for your age), vitamins C and D, drinking kefir-milk (probiotic) on daily basis, applying prebiotic vaginal suppositories, and estrogen vaginal creams (Vagisil, Emerita, etc).

Additional note: have the specialist remove your IUD, because you are too young to choose an IUD as a method of contraception (if of course, the IUD wasn't applied for medical reasons, such as hypopituitarism, or small uterus). Instead, ask your partner to use condoms. Good luck.
The infection that is most often ineffectively treated by conventional MDs is candida (yeast). I will try to attach a great article to you on that topic if you email me on my personal email address: