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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

mimimal necklift without lower facelift

I would like to get rid of the flab under my chin. Is there a procedure that addresses this without having a lower facelift at the same time.
  • Female | 58 years old

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2 UpVoted this answer
The neck contour can be effected by excess skin, excess fat and lax muscle. If there is two out of the three then a lower facelift would likely be effective. If there is focal fat deposits, neck liposuction would help to thin and refine the neck contour. Excess skin and lax muscle are usually addressed with a neck lift or lower facelift procedure. This is an effective plastic surgical procedure with about a week recovery. The male patient may be a candidate for an open direct neck skin excision with z-plasty.
1 UpVoted this answer
An experienced plastic surgeon needs to evaluate the quality of skin -- with liposuction, it may just shrink up -- if not I could use ThermiLift to shrink the skin with a lipo to get rid of the excess fat.
1 UpVoted this answer
A saggy, fatty "gobble neck" can add more years to a face than a whole head of gray hair. The neck lift is an easy way to reduce jowls, eliminate a double chin, slim the bands of muscle that form the wattle, and tighten neck skin. Typically, a surgeon will also decide to perform a lipectomy, suctioning out fat in order to resculpt the area. A lipectomy is performed through an incision less than a centimeter long under the chin and a 2 mm incision in the crease of the earlobe. A cannula is then inserted and fat is liposuctioned out in order to resculpt the neckline. If a neck lift is also being performed, excess skin will be removed. This can be done under twilight sedation with local anesthesia, instead of general anesthesia. If you are looking for a non surgical option, consider Thermage® which uses radiofrequency to tighten and smooth the skin.
Michelle Copeland
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Liposuction of the neck can be effective in removing any excess fat. What must be determined is the quality and elasticity of your surrounding skin. When we age, elasticity inevitably decreases. While lipo can remove fat, the skin must be able to tighten on its own. There are some machines which can encourage some tightening -- but sometimes a surgical tightening (ie neck lift or lower face lift) will give you the best results. Also, depending upon your physical exam, one can have lipo as well as surgical tightening of the lax anterior neck muscles through a small incision under the chin without a lower facelift.

Suggest your next step is to visit a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss various options. Visit several doctors, if possible, to obtain various opinions.

Good luck to you!

Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS

New York City
Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
1 UpVoted this answer
Facelift is a neck lift and that is the likely solution to your problem.
Alex Senchenkov
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There is a procedure that we have performed for several years and on hundreds of patients. A Laser Necklift or a Thermi RF Necklift. It involves liposuction to remove any excess fat in the neck area and using either the laser or Thermi radio frequency device to tighten the skin from the underside. Provided you don't have a lot of lower face jowling this would be a very nice neck only result for you. Look for a doctor in your area that does CoolLipo, SmartLipo or Thermi RF. Usually performed with local anesthesia.
Edward M. Zimmerman
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If you are a patient who has a face with no sagging skin, then you are a candidate for a neck lift only.

If you are a patient with sagging skin of the face and do not want to address the face, yes you can have only your neck lifted as long as you understand the limitations. After all, you are the one to make an informed final decision.

As far as the "neck lift" surgery is concerned, you can use:

#1 only an incision under the chin

#2 only incisions behind the ears

#3 a combination of an incisions under the chin & behind the ears

#4 a direct excision (removal) of the "flab" under the chin

#5 all the previous techniques could be associated with liposuction if needed.

you have to be seen in consultation to decide which procedure is the best for YOU
1 UpVoted this answer
Hello! There are several ways to address this problem, though the most predictable and long-term may be a full face lift with liposuction of the chin area. You may be a candidate for liposuction alone in the case you have great skin elasticity and it retracts very well. Most likely not the case as age and gravity take their toll. I have a device called Precision TX which allows me to sculpt the lower face/chin area and also tighten the skin - offering 30% of skin tightening. This is the only face-lift alternative procedure I offer in my practice as I have seen wonderful results for appropriate candidates. Good luck!
Alan N. Larsen
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Depending on what one finds on examination, sometimes liposuction alone helps. A necklift, which is just an incision behind your ears and posterior neck can make a significan improvement of loose skin of the neck without doing anything to the face.
Richard J. Greco
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Some individuals benefit from submental liposuction (performed just under the chin). At Changes Plastic Surgery & Spa we use a vibrating cannula to suction the fat. This simple procedure is performed under local anesthetic, and for the right candidate, the results are very gratifying.