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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

lap band

I am due to give birth with baby #2 in a month and weigh 204 lbs. I am 5'6". I have always been overweight and am tired of all diet programs out there. Do u recommend the lap band for me? If not, what else is out there that's safe and actually works?
  • Female | 34 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days

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I am not a bariatric surgeon, however, I have performed many abdominal surgeries following massive weight loss. Massive weight loss is defined as the loss of more than 100 pounds following surgery. I would recommend breast feeding your baby following birth. The time period for this varies among women, but this will help you to lose weight. The best weight loss is that which you can achieve on your own. Furthermore, I have seen successes and failures with the lap band. Most of the bariatric surgeons that I work with are now performing sleeve gastrectomies and gastric bypasses. We wish you the best of luck in your weight loss!!
No. Breast feed your baby for one year and you will drop your weight with some simple rules. Avoid white in your diet as much as possible. That means sugar, bread, rice, pasta mostly. You can enjoy everything else including meat with fat on it, eggs, dairy, CHEESE, and even sugar free ice cream. With the breasts making milk you will be sure to lose weight as long as you are not eating the white stuff. Most surgeons are not advocating lap band surgery today.
Thank you for your question. You must wait until after your pregnancy is completed to evaluate your weight. Following the birth of your baby and after you have finished breast-feeding you should try exercise and diet to lose the extra weight that you gained during pregnancy.

There are strict conditions that must be met before considering a lap band. If you have seriously tried diet and exercise and still have a BMW over 30 and you might be a candidate for a lap band.

Most hospitals today have weight loss programs and can evaluate your need for a lap band. However wait at least a year after your pregnancy and serious attempts at weight loss before considering LAP-BAND surgery.
Considering that the weight you are posting here corresponds to a presumably 8 month pregnancy you should consider all the previous recommendations in lifestyle changes, as has been stated by colleagues here, the reason why diets do not work is because the person does not see them as a lifestyle change for the long term but only as a temporary process to loose those extra pounds and once they reach their goal they stop taking care of what and how they eat. Even if after following these recommendations you still have a weight that places you on a BMI of 30 or over, then a surgical procedure such as a lapband could be considered but not before.
Gabriel Rosales
Congratulations on your baby #2! They are such a blessing!

The short answer of what is safe and actually works: Lifestyle change.

You are right, diets generally don't work because even if there is weight loss, it comes back as there are generally no life style changes that can give you long term results. Here is what I recommend to overweight patients considering plastic surgery such as "Mommy Makeover", liposuction, tummy tuck, and breast lift:

1) Count your calories! Most people don’t realize how much they are overeating. Awareness is the first step to change. There is a great app through that can help you with this.

2) In a weight loss mode, you will be hungry! This is something that most diets try to avoid (and some even seem to say “you can eat anything you want”), and how does that work? It doesn’t. You will need to accept hunger before you can lose weight.

3) Carbohydrates (found in all that we love: white breads, cereals, chips, crackers, cookies, candies, cakes, ice creams, junk food) are long chains of sugar molecules. Sugar is the energy fuel of the body and brain. When we eat too much of it, the body converts sugars to fat for long term storage. So replace carbohydrates with foods high in antioxidants such as colorful vegetables (spinach, broccoli) and fruits (berries), and nuts (pecans, walnuts, almonds). Steam veggies to blanching to unlock the antioxidants to high levels.

4) Always eat a protein (egg) and antioxidant food for breakfast within ½ hour of waking up. This jump starts your metabolic “furnace” earlier in the day, increases your basal metabolic rate, and leads to burning more calories throughout the day.

5) Never eat after 7 PM. The fats and sugars are directly transported to your fat cells during the inactivity during sleep when you eat late.

6) Take a brisk 15 minute walk after your meals. This burns the calories while they are still in the bloodstream before storage to fat cells.

7) Take the stairs, walk to destinations when possible, and walk briskly. Take that distant parking spot for a longer walk to the store. Ever notice those skinny people? They always seem to be moving.

8) Take the following supplements that can boost the metabolic processes: Fish oil. CoEnzyme Q10. Lipoic Acid. Chromium Pricolinate. Vitamin C.

No it's not easy, but when you consider your overall health, your longevity, and that you are a Mom, it is so important to be as healthy as you can. These are the very same recommendations I make for anti-aging. So not only can you loose the weight, you be healthier and live longer for you children.

The very best of health to you.

Dr. Severinac
Hello, thanks for asking these questions. However, it depends on your per-pregnancy weight. If you gained 30 lbs during pregnancy and lose 10-15 lbs postpartum then you should be able to return to per-pregnancy weight within 3-6 months.

Bariatric surgery should only be considered as a last option for those who are designated as obese and have co-morbid conditions. According our our practice guidelines, lifestyle change including a 1000-1200 kcal/day diet and physical activity is the preferred method. If you only need to lose 15% or less of your body weight then this would be the best bet. Diets fail but lifestyle changes on nutrition is the best solution.
If we assume that 45 of your pounds are "baby weight," your BMI is around 26, which is not at all horrible. It is no secret that weight loss depends upon two things: Lowering your calorie intake and increasing your total calories burned. It's that simple, and it's that difficult.

Many patients"fail" at their diets because they do not add enough exercise. Others become frustrated when they begin to build muscle, and the numbers on the scale do not reflect their weight goal, even though they are looking much better. I would not "chase" a specific weight, but try to be healthier in any way that you can. Having some guidance, either from a physician, trainer, or dietician may be very helpful. If you feel good and look good at a BMI of 24, who cares if a lower weight is said to be "ideal?" So many of my patients "chase" their high school weight, which is silly, and usually, unattainable. Surgery should be your last option. Good luck, you can do it.
William W. Ehrlich
You are not considered obese. You are pregnant and carrying significantly more weight which is temporary. I would give yourself a serious diet and exercise routine and change of life-style. This is the healthiest way to do this. After this time then you can re-evaluate. Good luck.
At your current weight, your BMI qualifies as obese, so you would be considered a candidate for lap band surgery. The best way to know if the lap band (or a similar procedure like gastric sleeve) would be good is to meet with a general surgeon who performs a lot of these procedures. Be cautious who you choose as some surgeons see this as a money maker and not a way to help patients. If the surgeon doesn't s pend a lot of time on counseling and preparing you for the procedure (and what your diet should be afterward), then be wary. Look for a board certified surgeon who specializes in this procedure and who accepts insurance for it (even if your insurance does not cover it). Keep in mind that it is not a good idea to have a major elective surgery within 3-6 months of delivery and breast feeding.
Dana M. Goldberg
Lap Band vs Weight Loss

Hello!--when weight loss is an issue , I do recommend surgical intervention provided you are fit for surgery and you attend at least one seminar by a Board Certified Weight loss Surgeon. You can then come to a Plastic Surgeon with your extra or loose skin after lap band or gastric bypass!.