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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Facial twitch

Recently the left side of my face has been twitching. It originally started just under my eye which i thought was from stress but recently the twitch as moved closer to my cheek below my eye (same left side). What can I do? Should I be worried? This eyelid still twitches as well. This has been happening for a few months and gotten worse in the past few days. What should I do? What could it be?
  • 25 years old
  • Complaint duration: 60 days
  • Medications: na
  • Conditions: na

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There are many possible causes for your symptoms ranging from simple stress to the initial signs of serious neurological conditions. An evaluation by your family physician and possibly further imaging and/or specialist evaluation is indicated.
Unfortunately, it could be many things. As such, you need to have a comprehensive neurologic examination.

After you get checked out by your neurologist, then what? Will you take vitamins, minerals, medications, get injections? Those might indeed be the most efficient ways to address your concern.

But what if they don't? That's where complementary treatments usually come in to fill the void. Stress is a psychophysiological condition, so requires psychophysiological treatments. Many of which you can learn to do on your own.

I wonder if you ever heard of Biofeedback? People can learn to control biological functions never thought possible, like heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and even tics and spasms using electromyography.

Perhaps you will check it out?

Best of Luck to you.
I agree with many of the other replies. A full exam and blood work along with history is necessary. There is something called hemifacial spasm which can be treated with Botox.
Brian Sorin
It is unlikely that this is a seizure disorder. Stress may be playing a role. Though it may be a mineral deficiency, it may also be a facial tic due to compression of the facial nerve at the base of the brain. You need a thorough neurological exam and it would be wise to see a neurologist who could order an MRI of the brain if they felt it was indicated.
Ezriel E. Kornel
Please see a neurologist. Possibly electrolyte imbalance, start calcium/vit D and magnesium for now.
Ok should get evaluation for dehydration am electrolyte abnoalities. Also given your age I would consider autoimmune conditions like myaesthenia gravis and other muscular dystrophy issues.
Shankar Das
It's nothing to worry about. Simply a calcium deficiency. Sometimes it's calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Definitely may require a neurological exam. However, I would start by taking Magnesium in the form of Citrate or Malate or a combination of the two, 500 to 1000 mg. Best would be to start with a lower dose and increase it daily until you develop diarrhea and then cut it back just enough so diarrhea resolves - this is called taking a supplement to bowel tolerance. This establishes the amount your body can tolerate. As always don't start any new treatment until you have consulted with your own doctor first. Of course relaxation exercises are great such as taking a bath, doing yoga and/or simply listening to and following a meditation video on Youtube would be a great start.
This really needs a visit to get a good history and exam. Failing that, try to think about how it came on and what sort of things make it better or worse. Has anything changed in your life, such as new medications or diet? Keeping a diary of your symptoms may help you make the connection or may at least help your doctor make the diagnosis.