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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

lower left chest pain

I had collapsed lung and surgery 2012. Numerous xrays since no issue since July I had 2 ekg and a stress echocardiogram all clear what could cause lower pectoral pain as I sit up
  • 44 years old
  • Conditions: Had collapsed lung 2011

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Possibly costochondritis, may try to take Ibuprofen for few days and see how you improve. If doesn't get better, see your PMD.
There are many reasons for chest pain. If it worsend with movement or deep breathing it could be a pulled musvcle between the ribs, or cartilage inflammation, it could be a viral infection, To be sure, it would help to get a repeat EKG and chest xray to compare. You could even have some residual scar tissue from the prior collapsed lung especially if you neede any surgical procedure to reinflate the lung
I agree with the previous answers. Plus if other more serious complications have been ruled out, then Costochondritis could be explored. This is a inflammation of the muscles between the ribs. Good Luck & Healthy Living!
If the pain is on the same side and sharp, it could be either some scar tissue pulling at the lining of the chest cavity or pleuritic chest pain caused by inflammation in the chest cavity. You could try scheduled NSAIDS like ibuprofen 400mg po 3X daily with meals for 7-10 days or Naprosyn 500mg po 2X daily with meals for 7-10 days. I have never heard of Xrays causing chest pain.

John Kuhn
If you had a negative stress test, I think that should exclude any heart problems. Post-operative chest surgery changes could lead to that positional chest wall pain that may not show up on any plain Chest X-rays. But still, you should follow this up with your Primary Care Physician.
Alvin K. Eng
X rays and post operation scarrings could cause the chest pain
Don Ha