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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


For the past few months I have not been able to breathe out of my nose. When I wake up in the morning it is especially hard and feels like the inside of my nose is swollen. I have tried nose strips which helps a little but I am still having trouble breathing. I never used to a mouth breather at night but now I am. Is there any reason for this? What can I do?
  • 25 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: na
  • Conditions: na

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1 UpVoted this answer
Sounds Like you may have Rhinitis which is a condition involving Inflammation of the Mucous Membranes of the nasal passages of the Nose. It could also be allergies. You should seek out a qualified Naturopathic Phsician or Doctor of Integrative Medicine who is able to prescribe a natural medicine called Silivercillin. You can get an electronic nasal irrigation device from Walmart or Walgreens, and get some saline packets. Add the Silivercillin, Purified Water and Saline solution in the Nasal Irrigation device and allow the device to shoot the solution into your nasal cavity... The solution will come out the other nasal canal, removing mucous and any blockages. You do this for both sides. Also taking and shooting a small amout of the solution into your nasal canal and then holding your head back to where the solution does not come out and is prolonged in the cavity until you feel it as if its going down your throat, will remove any bacterial or virus infection after a few days of use... You will experience immediate relief and be able to breathe... This can also help with a soar throat as during the prolonged tilting of the head, will cause the solution to come into contact with the areas assoicated with nasal and throat inflammation, causing a slight irritation that leads to the threat reducing in swelling(almost like the homeopathic like cures like concept, where despite having inflammation, taking a medicine that causes irritation will reduce inflammtion..

Silivercillin can also be used in a nebulizer to address both viral and bacterial infections of the lungs which can contribute to breathing problems...

Our practice has prescribe silvercillin to numerous patients and have gotten phenominal results, with no side affects..

Hope this helps
The condition needs to be evaluated by a doctor. Allergies, nasal polyps, and non-allergic rhinitis can cause nasal blockage.
Powlin Manuel
You sound like you have rhinitis. Rhinitis can be caused by both allergic and non-allegic causes. A detailed history and physical exam by an allergist will help determine the etiology and best method of treatment. Good luck!
You can decrease/eliminate the nasal congestion by trying to following treatments:

Run a humidifer in your bedroom.

Do saline nasal rinses followed by applying Vicks Vapor Rub to your nares at least twice a day

Remove cow's milk products, processed foods, processed meats, red meat, refined sugar and flour, caffeine, and alcohol intake for 2-3 weeks. Drastically cut down on your wheat intake. Remove of these items will give your immune system a break and allow it to start healing. Feed your immune system lots of dark green leafy vegetables (ideally sauted in oil and warm), legumes, flax and chia seeds, almonds, walnuts, and fresh fruit.
There are a few possibilities. Are you using over the counter nose sprays like oxymetazoline or neosynephrine? These can make nasal congestion worse after using for more than a few days in a row. You could have allergies. Use of over the counter nasal spray Nasocort AQ is safe to use for longer and may help nasal congestion from allergy better than an antihistamine. Are you sneezing? That would make allergy more likely . You could have nasal polyps. You could have chronic sinusitis. I would recommend that you see an ENT that does a lot of sinus and allergy evaluation. They can get the story, examine your nose and put the whole thing together best.
I would be looking at environmental as well as food allergens. Remove all dairy and any foods that give you mucous. On the flip side, have you had any injuries to your nose in the past few months? Check with a naturopath or your physician to make sure you have no damage.
Use a saline rinse and eliminate dairy, white sugar and white flour
You could have allergies. I would consider both outdoor and indoor allergens. This can cause inflammation of your nasal passages and therefore make it hard to breathe. Look around you for any recent changes during the past couple of months such as an addition of a pet to the household, a change in perfume, shampoo, face cream, the detergent you use to wash your sheets with and so on. It could also be that your pillow is moldy in which case I would consider getting a new pillow or try throwing it in the dryer on a very high heat for 1/2 hour or so. Also, this could be a sign that your immune system isn't responding properly. This could happen due to a myriad reasons but most commonly it is due to prolonged stress and a digestion that is not working properly. I would start with removing any causative agent, then go on a hypoallergenic diet that takes out dairy, soy, corn, caffeine, wheat, other gluten containing foods, and citrus fruits for 8 to 10 weeks and then introduce these foods back into the diet one at a time. If you would like to learn more about the hypoallergenic diet and how to introduce foods back after avoiding it for a period of time, email me at In general taking a high dose vitamin c and bioflavanoids are also a good idea.