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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Root Canal Re-Treatment vs. Extraction

I have an old root canal with a large infection and my endodontist recommended re-treatment, though the prognosis is 'guarded'. In the meantime I've been dealing with chronic candidiasis, which is typical in individuals with a suppressed immune system. I follow a very strict, healthy diet and lifestyle and doctors have found no other issue. Could this infection be an indirect cause of the yeast overgrowth, because of its effect in the immune system? If so, extraction may be best. Thanks!
  • Male | 32 years old

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2 UpVoted this answer James B. Bratten, DDS, MAGD Dentist, Smyrna Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
As an endodontist, I almost always offer a "guarded" prognosis with a retreatment prior to initializing therapy. There are simply too many unknowns until I am able to get into a tooth and see it with my microscope. After my initial retreatment appointment, I am generally able to give a more accurate prognosis. I think that your doctor is just being cautious.
2 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
I would go with what the Endodontist recommends. If the Endodontist thinks it is cracked, he or she would have recommended that you have the tooth extracted. The chronic candidiasis is probably not related, but can get worse if you are put on more antibiotics. If you have a suppressed immune system, then the replacement options might be limited if you have it extracted. I hope you can find someone to treat the candidiasis, I know that can affect so many things in your body. Good luck!
1 UpVoted this answer

With the compromise immune system I would not think 2X to have the tooth extracted.It is definitely the better option. Have it done the proper way, cleaning the bone around after extraction, use ozone and you may as well to get better in regards to the candidiasis.
1 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
Since your dentist is a specialist (endodontist), you should take his advice. With his/her knowledge and expertise, you are in good hands. Good luck!
J. Abe  Smith
1 UpVoted this answer
Today we tend to do a second root canal before we go for an implant (or bridge). There are still people who like apicoectomies (surgery to clip the tip of the root), but many don't. With immunosuppression in the picture, the simpler the better, i vote root canal therapy.
1 UpVoted this answer
Often chronic Candidiasis is because of an underlying systemic disease as you are working on it with your physician. As for the prognosis of an old root canal tooth with reinfection, the prognosis is poor but not guarded. Most of the time the reinfection is because of a vertical microfracture which makes the prognosis poor to hopeless. Therefore, I often recommend not to waste your time and money since there is possibility of implant replacement.

Good luck
Mahnaz Rashti
The candidiasis is most likely unrelated to your tooth issue. As for the root canal re-treatment, if you are unsure, then get a 2nd opinion. There are risks and benefits to every procedure and you should understand all of them before making a decision. Sometimes re-treatment does not have a good long term prognosis and maybe extracting the tooth would be a better long term option with replacing it with either an implant or a bridge.
As a patient with a depressed immune system you must be very careful with dental infections. "Guarded prognosis" with a retreatment attempt is usually ok with a healthy patient. The problem is that you have a depressed immune system and retreatment can possibly leave an infection source behind or even make the infection worse. In your situation extraction of the tooth may be the safer alternative for your overall health. You can have the tooth replaced with an implant in the future or a bridge if possible.
A retreatment may work in your favor, but generally speaking.... The success rate of endodontic retreatment is poor. You may want to consider an implant. Best of luck in your decision.
I think that if you are in doubt about root canal retreatment, then a second opinion is warranted from another endodontist. It is usually better to hang on to your own tooth even with endodontic retreatment if possible. If the prognosis is poor, then it is up to you and it maybe more reasonable to have the tooth removed and an implant placed after the area has healed. After treatment is done and if the candidiasis still persists,then you can seek further evaluation and treatment options.