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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Can an orthodontist or dentist tell if my child is a candidate for Invisalign via pictures?

Wondering if I were to send pictures of her teeth/smile/mouth from several different angles - would this suffice? If so, what angles would be best?

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1 UpVoted this answer This is an appliance for children that works!! Find a dentist utilizing these, they are much less investment and they utilize the growth spurts that your child goes through to hold one jaw and accelerate the other jaw. These work the same on the teeth. There are many sizes, the dentist orders the correct appliance for the situation.

Orthotain and Occluso-Guide has been around since 1976 invented by Dr Earl Bergersen, Invisalign on the other hand was invented in 1997.

It takes the right situation and the right appliance with the dedication of the patient wearing the appliance. This is an option and does not work if the appliance is not worn every day.

Some cases require 2 phase orthodontic, some single phase ortho, some Occluso-guide, and some Invisalign. Good luck with your research.

We have had 1" plus Class II and Class III corrected with these appliances with NO surgery. Do yourself a favor and check into them. Send your photos to your Dentist and they can contact you.
Brian L. Kirkwood, DDS
xrays and special impressions or molds of the teeth to make a final diagnosis and treatment plan
Pictures help as part of a complete examination as well as xrays and special impressions or molds of the teeth to make a final diagnosis and treatment plan.
Most all cases can be treated with Invisalign, My question would be if your child is right for Invisalign. Clear aligners are worn for 10-14 days 22 hours a day. You can not miss a day, or the time worn to move along properly. Is your child prone to losing things? In a sport where they need to wear mouth guards during practice/games? If yes to either, Invisalign is a risky option as you can take them out and lose them, this interrupts treatement and can increase costs if a retainer need to be remade. If they still have erupting teeth, again Invisalign is not the right option. It is a great option for the right person.
Lisa M. Murray
While the pictures may be helpful, they might not be enough. The orthodontist usually requires study models, panoramic and lateral ceph radiographs. There are also various analyses that s/he will hve to make to determine suitability for the procedure.. Your best bet is a consultation with one. Some offer free consultation. So shop around.
J. Abe  Smith
Yes it would provide a good idea, ultimately a complete evaluation has to be made and review of the clinical check. A three dimensional model that will show from beginning to end of the case.
Certainly a preliminary evaluation for Invisalign can be made from the photos..Before actually proceeding with treatment, however, an orthodontist would need certain xrays and special impressions or molds of the teeth to make a final diagnosis and treatment plan. Three agles would be helpful as a minimum: one front straight on, and one each from each side. If you could get 2 with the mouth open to show the biting surfaces of the teeth than would be icing. Good luck.
Sending pictures help as part of a complete examination. In addition the patient will need regular x-rays, a panoramic and a cephalometric x-ray, additional photographs and stone models which we do in our office prior to starting an orthodontic case to rule out any surprises.
Yes, an experienced orthodontist should be able to tell if your child is a candidate with photos. 5 photos would be best: 3 pictures of your child fully biting down (1 from front, left and right profile of the bite), 1 of the upper arch (palate view), and 1 of the lower arch.
A definitive examination is needed to give you a proper workup for orthodontic care. Radiographs would be necessary to evaluate the teeth that below the gumline to ensure they are all in a healthy state.Therefore I would recommend a complete examination in a dentist's or orhtodontist's office.