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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Are there any recent advancements in root canal technology/procedures?

There must be some high-tech way to do it that doesn't hurt.

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6 UpVoted this answer
To me the most exciting advance in root canal technology is that we are able to AVOID root canals in 80% of cases that would have been treated with root canal. There are two key factors.

1)Controlling bacterial - this is critical. a contaminated nerve will not be able to heal. in our practice we use Ozone to disinfect and allow the damaged nerve to heal.

2)Creating a Biological Seal - Biomimetic dentistry is the gold standard for returning a tooth to as close to it's original strength as possible. We try to avoid crowns unless there is too much damage already - in which case crowns are the best treatment option.

In conclusion - the best kept secret in root canal treatment is AVOIDING ROOT CANALS... Our patients appreciate saving money, time and trips to the dentist.
3 UpVoted this answer David J. Darab, DDS, MS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Hickory
Root canal treatment is now quicker, more efficient, and more successful then ever before. The procedure can be done painlessly if proper anesthesia is administered. Even in the most complex of cases, the doctor can deliver effective anesthesia to to get the patient very comfortable. Anti-anxiety medication is very useful as well to alleviate any anxiety the patient may have. Make sure to see an Endodontist however as these doctors are specialists in root canal treatment and even in the most simple cases can complete the treatment more effectively and quicker than other dentists.
Chetan K. Mehta
1 UpVoted this answer
Important factors in making root canal treatment comfortable include: 1. Experience and familiarity of the dentist with root canal anatomical systems( electronic root locators and x-rays will help with the tactile sensation/ feel of the canal. The more experience and the more challenging cases then the more groomed operator 2. Good anesthesia technique such as when, where and how to give the injection. Yes, a painless injection will ease a lot of anxiety. 3. Rotary files instead of just relying on hand filing 4 Medications to control swelling, infection or discomfort if necessary. 5. Check with the patient to make sure everything is comfortable prior to starting and after the patient leaves the office. Good old customer service.
1 UpVoted this answer
One of the latest technological advancements that aid accurate diagnosis is 3-d Cone Beam Imaging. Using this technology the complex three dimensional anatomy of the roots can be better visualized along with any associated pathology. In many instances, the pathology was not evident on the standard 2-d dental radiographs.
1 UpVoted this answer
Pain is a protective response to tissue injury and has two components. The first is the propagation of the sensory impulse along the nerve to the brain where the impulse is recognized and described in terms of location, nature and intensity. The second is the emotional response to pain which involves the interpretation of pain and the fear triggered by this interpretation. The experience of pain is therefore the product of the magnitude of the sensory input and its psychological processing.

In dentistry, pain control often requires analgesic drugs. Adjunctive measures can augment the effectiveness of these drugs in the dental office. Studies show that the sensation of pain is increased as anxiety increases. This relationship suggests that efforts to reduce anxiety can lessen pain both in the dental office and at home after the procedure.

At Adult Dentistry of Rochester, Dr. Dulski uses the following simple measures with each patient to optimize patient comfort:

1) Present a calm, well-organized staff and treatment environment.

2) Provide information both about the procedure and what sensations to expect.

3) Assure the patient that no treatment will be initiated unless the patient is 100% completely numb.

4) Discuss the patient's previous experiences of pain management in other dental offices.

5) Assure the patient that effective pain control will be provided with medication after the procedure.

And, for patients with a heightened sense of fear, Dr. Dulski provides a range of sedation to meet every need. To learn more about effective control of the pain and anxiety of dental procedures, visit
Joseph L. Dulski
Root canal therapy has always been a scapegoat in dentistry. However, this reputation is entirely undeserved given today’s awesome treatment advancements.The problems such as untreated cavity or cracked tooth that lead up to a root canal therapy can be painful because they affect your tooth’s nerves. Because of this pain, people associate root canal treatment with the discomfort that made the treatment necessary in the first place. Don’t forget that root canal therapy is the solution, not the problem! And, here are main ingredients we use to deliver root canal therapy with extreme comfort:

· State of the art digital imaging technology that enhances what we see;

· Safe effective anesthesia including oral conscious sedation;

· Much shorter treatment time with the procedure completed in one visit under two hours.
In my experience if the word "hurt" refers to feeling it as the work is being done then you are not effectively anesthetized. The patient should not be able to feel anything but vibration and pressure, you also need a dentist who does not work on patients who can feel what they are doing. If the pain you talk about is after the anesthetic wears off then the most important piece of technology is an apex finder, an electronic device which allows you measure by tenths of a millimeter so that you don't get out of the other end of the tooth. The trauma of an endodontic file cutting bone pass the apex ( you should be about .5 mm short of the clinical apex) will almost guarantee considerable inflammation postoperatively. All of these "gems" have to be practiced within a framework of constant training and building on experience.
Dr. Maz ( is an Endodontist in Beverly Hills using the latest technology to complete all his root canals. Please visit the link above if you have any specific questions.
Pretty much all the dentists are very skilled at getting a tooth anesthetized before root canal procedures or any other type of dental procedures but sometimes despite all of the efforts a patient might feel some level of discomfort during a root canal procedure. So experiencing some discomfort during some root canal procedures might happen once in a while but it is not the norm. There are many factor whether full anesthesia will be obtained. For instance an upper tooth might be harder to get numb versus a lower tooth especially when the tooth is "hot".
To me, the most important breakthrough in root canal therapy is the use of the laser to clean the canals. Research has shown that it removes bacteria better than any other method. As far as pain goes, proper anesthesia techniques should keep you pain free through the visit. I have many people actually fall asleep during root canal procedures!