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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

swelling on right side of face

I notice I had a small abscess on my right upper tooth I took one pill of Amox TR-K CLV 875-125 Mg

But notice when I woke up I notice the swelling on my right side of my of my face I will stop not takeing Amox TR-K CLV, how long it will take for the swelling to go down.
  • Male | 59 years old

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7 UpVoted this answer
A swelling which is associated with a tooth is either an infected pulp of the tooth or infected periodontium from around the tooth. Either way, in order for the swelling to resolve, the tooth will need 1 of 3 treatments: root canal, periodontal surgery or extraction. The antibiotic of choice for odontogenic infections is Penn-VK 500 mg. every 6 hours for 7 days, if allergic to Penn, next choice would be Clindamycin 300 mg. three times a day for 7 days. The antibiotics are necessary to control any systemic spread of the infection, as well as, control the localized infection. Get this resolved ASAP as these things can spread throughout the body.

Best of luck

Dr. Tim Patel
Tim J. Patel
5 UpVoted this answer
I would get in to see your dentist ASAP! It appears you have an infection and one pill will not cure your infection. Please call your dentist immediately
5 UpVoted this answer
One pill of any antibiotic will not take care of an infection. You need a multi-day supply of a stronger antibiotic. You need one that will destroy a gram negative organism. Your Dentist will get an x-ray and get the infection out so the two of you can sort it out and repair the cause of the infection. I suggest you see your Dentist asap.

Best of luck, Brian
Brian L. Kirkwood, DDS
4 UpVoted this answer
ANtibiotics work if you take them as written on the prescription..if the antibiotic is going to work you will get relief or a change for the better in 24 to 36 which case please continue to take them until they are all done.. if you do not get relief or if the swelling increases go to an emergency room..ELS
Eric Spieler
3 UpVoted this answer
Have your dentist take an X-ray and check it out, could be a reinfection of the old root canal or something that was simmering there for quite sometime. Have it diagnosed and treat it asap, this type of infection can affect your whole body
3 UpVoted this answer
The infection and abscess you are experiencing must be diagnosed as soon as possible with your dentist, and have treatment done.

It seems like you are taking Augmentin 875mg, which is a strong antibiotic usually taken 2 times a day for 5 days minimal, BUT note the antibiotic is an aid to your necessary dental treatment after a diagnosis has been reached by your DDS. Of course once we see what is the root cause of your infection, the treatment can be done. If ignored systemic health problems can follow.

Best advise: See your dentist asap.
3 UpVoted this answer
My advice is get to a dentist and have an xray taken to diagnose the source of the swelling! Furthermore, it is not wise to look in the medicine cabinet and grab an old antibiotic and self-medicate! In my office, Pen VK is the antibiotic of choice for an abscessed tooth of this type and I have not had good results with Amoxicillin! Again, spend a $100 for and exam and an xray and get a proper diagnosis!
Michael L. Green
3 UpVoted this answer
I cannot state strong enough how bad it is to take any medication with out a diagnosis. You have left over Amox at home? Again you did not take all the medication as prescribed if you have left overs. Swelling around a tooth is infection of either the tooth or the tissue. No anitibiotic will solve the problem, you need treatment. Quit taking antibiotics that were not prescribed, you only create resistant strains of bugs which you can pass to people living within 25 miles of you!! See a dentist, get treated. Sorry to rant but you hit a nerve!
Lisa M. Murray
3 UpVoted this answer
Firstly, what you are taking is Augmentin. It is not a very effective drug for oral infections. Secondly, you shouldn't play doctor and self-medicate. Get to see a dentist for an x-ray of the tooth and evaluate the swelling. You need a visual evaluation that is the only advice you need at this time.
2 UpVoted this answer
need to find cause of infection that has created the swelling. is it an infected tooth or the periodontal structure? The active infection needs to be brought under control. physically and /or in combination with systemic antibiotics. the source of infection needs to be treated depending on what it might be. It can involve tooth extraction, endodontics, periodontal treatments, ..