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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Will I get my braces put on the same day I get my teeth pulled?

  • 16 years old
  • Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
  • Height: 5 feet
  • Medications: None
  • Hospitalizations: Tonsillitis,broken leg and blood infection from the titanium placed in my leg

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25 UpVoted this answer
Every orthodontist has a different schedule regarding when the teeth are removed and when the braces are placed. In our office, we like to place the braces first and then have the teeth removed. We do it this way so that we can immediately start the process of closing the spaces created from the extractions quickly and efficiently. When you have your intial evaluation with your orthodontist, they will let you know when you will get your braces and when your teeth will need to be removed.
Donna L. Galante
18 UpVoted this answer
I would look for non-extraction treatment if crowding is the reason for removing the teeth. Otherwise if teeth really need to be pulled I would wait for 2 weeks then have the brackets placed.
15 UpVoted this answer
Dear patient,

Although it is not impossible, I would not recommend it due to the added discomfort from the extraction. I usually recommend the start of braces two weeks after the extraction. The wound will be healed by that time and you can really celebrate the start of the change in your smile!

Dr. Yu Pan
Yu Pan
11 UpVoted this answer
Only in a rare case would that be the case. Normally the orthodontic procedure is done in a separate office. In the cases where both extractions and braces are in the same office, it is almost never indicated. There is healing that needs to take place prior to braces. Periodically teeth are removed after braces are placed.
Brian L. Kirkwood, DDS
11 UpVoted this answer
Sounds like you really have had your fill of surgery and doctors! Hope you are feeling better now. Compared to what you have already been through I don't think removing your teeth will be a big deal but I wouldn't put the braces on the same day. There is just too much to get used to. I often put the braces on before the teeth are extracted and then request the extractions. There is no right or wrong way to do this but I would encourage you to not do them both at the same time. Good luck
9 UpVoted this answer
No, they will usually place the braces after the teeth have been extracted and you have healed. It's usually an oral surgeon that will extract the teeth, and an orthodontist that will place the braces. Those are usually two separate offices.
Justin Dugas
9 UpVoted this answer
Probably not. Sometimes braces are placed after extractions, sometimes before. If extractions are required to facilitate your treatment, the choice of teeth to be extracted, the timing of the extractions, and the timing of corrective appliance (braces) placement should be determined by your Orthodontic Specialist. Orthodontist's limit their practice to Orthodontic Treatment (growth and development supervision). Extractions (as well as cleanings, fillings, general care) will be accomplished by your General Dentist or by the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon of his/her choice. Generally the Orthodontist will wait a few weeks after the extractions, to allow time for healing, before placing braces.
Arnold J. Malerman
5 UpVoted this answer
No. And there is no need to. Let your mouth heal for a few days, then have the orthodontist put on the braces
4 UpVoted this answer
It may be possible however I would say that is not the norm. Since I can't think of a reason why same day extractions would be planned, I would think it would be more comfortable separating the procedures . Particularly since two different dentists will be treating you. Orthodontists don't remove teeth, so give yourself a break and schedule the appointments a few weeks apart. Your orthodontist can help you with this plan,
David M. Konys
4 UpVoted this answer
It is not likely since due to a little bit of bleeding that may persist for several hours. The teeth need to be clean and drw when the brackets are placed.