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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Can't focus and concentrate

I can't focus or concentrate on anything at work or when I'm studying. I can't remember anything I study and anything I learned or heard 5 mins ago. I don't understand any of the big words and what people are saying in plain words either. I have tried everything from alpha brain to shankpushpi to green tea and beet juice. Please help me. I got my MRI which is normal, doctors couldn't find anything. Are there any pills or anything that will help me?

Thank you

Suhag Parikh
  • Male | 28 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Ethnicity: Asian Indian
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 170lbs
  • Medications: none

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Although you didn't specify, the MRI was probably of your brain. These often appear "normal" when there are cognitive impairments. Without a full history, it is not prudent to give a diagnosis. I suggest you see a neuropsychologist for an evaluation as soon as possible. A full history and neuropsychological testing will likely be necessary to determine a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Rebecca E. Thompson
There's no better natural treatment for attention and learning issues than Neurofeedback. We now have over 40 years of research and clinical experience to show that it ought to be the first line approach for circumstances such as you describe.

Please check out for more information.
If this is a recent problem, it may be due to anxiety or depression. If this is a problem you've had all of your life it may be related to an attention deficit disorder and or possible learning disability. I would suggest that you set up a consultation with a psychologist and discuss the possibility of neuropsychological testing to help clarify your diagnostic picture
Martin E. Keller
The MRI was for the brain and it was done in 2008. I don't have insurance that's why I came to this website for help. My health is fine, I work out time to time, eating and sleeping is normal. I didn't know what ADHD was before but in high school teachers and psychiatrist ruled it as learning disability and now I know that ADHD falls under learning disability. I can't really afford to go to the doctors because I am between jobs and don't have insurance.
Dear Suhag,

There are several conditions that can cause this from Candida Albicans to an underactive thyroid. The latter is generally not diagnosed medically as they use blood tests instead of urine tests as done in other countries.

I would be happy to consult with you by phone regarding these problems if you would like.
Are you under a great deal of stress, other than this problem with concentration? Are there people around you causing you worry? Adrenal fatigue and blood sugar imbalances can affect your concentration. How long has concentration been a problem for you? If you were able to study and concentrate well in the past, what changed? Can you read and understand what you are studying? There are herbal remedies for concentration, such as Rhodiola, but I think you need more of a sort out with a Naturopathic or Integrttive doctor, so that all aspects of your health and lifestyle are considered. Do cut down on all sugar, alcohol and white carbs meanwhile, as these can cause blood sugar issues that will not help your concentration or energy levels. Another important question is how are you sleeping?
My first thought is has this young man been assessed for ADD. Another thought that comes to mind is that stress can cause each and every one of these symptoms. Something you might try is binaural beats and isochronic tones - you can find many on YouTube that enhance concentration - these all change brain waves and help with focusing. There are also self-tests on the internet to assess for ADD and ADhD in adults - I suggest you take these and if there are a lot of "yes" symptoms, then make an app't with a neurologist or psychologist who specializes in ADD and have it further assessed - sometimes there are strategies that help and sometimes medication - I am a 71 year old psychotherapist who cannot function without ADD medication - mine is so well prescriped that II am not aware i am on a medication except that I can focus and accomplish things! Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. There are specific strategies that will assist you.
This is far too complex a question to answer without a lot of additional information. Doubt there are any herbal remedies. Suggest a visit with a neurologist for a thorough evaluation.
Paul H Young
In this case, the most essential elements to effectively help you are missing. No medical history, no medication list, and no occupation.

- Have you been on Benzodiazepine, or statins for extended periods of time?

- Do you work at night? Any environmental or radioactive exposure? How does it affect your sleep?

- Do you use any recreational drugs?

- Do you practice any contact sports, any trauma to the head that was overlooked regardless of the MRI?

- Are you a veteran?

- Do you eat foods with preservatives, food colorings, junk foods...

Any of these questions can elicit answers that would lead us to different directions. Try to answer and resubmit if at all possible, or see a Naturopathic Physician.
John Kouame
First off how long has this been going on? When did you start to notice stuff with your short term memory?

I would consider getting some blood work done for hormones and cortisol levels. You may need to consider getting neurotransmitter testing done too. As the other doctors asked about sleep. How much sleep are you getting? Is is restful sleep? Also, looking at food allergies as well. It's just hard to know with not a lot of information.