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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

ear loop repair

both my ears have torn from my earrings getting caught and pulled. I need a cheap and inexpensive away to stitch them back. I do not have a lot of money
  • Female | 60 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: none
  • Conditions: none

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2 UpVoted this answer
Ear lobe repairs are typically very easy to perform in the office under local anesthesia. It is a common plastic surgery procedure that takes about 45 minutes to perform. Generally if plastic surgery procedures are performed in the office they are affordable.
2 UpVoted this answer
I probably do two or three of these a week. It takes about 20 minutes with simple local anesthesia and the ear heals beautiful. They can be re-pierced in about three weeks. I charge about $250 for one ear and $450 for both ears.
2 UpVoted this answer
Hi. This is a common problem - and be be easily fixed in a short procedure that is performed under local anesthetic (numbing). It is not typically very expensive to do, and can be performed by either an ENT or Plastic Surgeon.
Thomas Fiala
2 UpVoted this answer
Ear lobe repair can be perform in the office setting under local anesthesia. In my office, we typically charge $550 per ear which includes earring piercing 6 weeks later. The procedure takes about 1 hour for both ears. To avoid earlobe tears in the future, avoid heavy and large loop earrings.
2 UpVoted this answer
Dear Miss,

This is a very common problem and I see at least one patient every week. Often times the insurance pays for this because it is due to long term trauma. In any case it is a very simple operation under local anesthesia. The surgery per ear takes less than 20 minutes. I place absorbable stiches and there is no down time.

If you need further help I would be glad to help you.

1 UpVoted this answer
In most areas of the country, both earlobes can be repaired (correctly and done well, with office surgery) for less than $1,000. If you ask enough people, you will find a "cheap and inexpensive way to stitch them back." You will then have "cheap and inexpensive" looking ears. If you are near a medical school, you might call the Department of Surgery and ask them if any of their surgeons in training would like to practice on your earlobes. Some doctors will accept a "gift in kind" as payment. Do you have any skills that may be valuable to the doctor? Secretarial, translation, custodial, computer skills, etc. You get the idea.
William W. Ehrlich
1 UpVoted this answer
This is very common as the other doctors have written. Unfortunately, not generally covered by insurance unless it just happened as in torn and bleeding when you see the doctor. Generally $400 - 600 per ear depending on the number of holes you have. Performed in an office setting with local anesthesia.
Edward M. Zimmerman
1 UpVoted this answer
Any plastic surgeon could fix it in office under local aneasthesia. It should not be costly. You can always go to an university plastic surgery residency program they might even do it for free.
Amit Mitra
1 UpVoted this answer
Earlobe repair is a relatively simple operation that can be done under local anesthesia. Essentially a wedge of the earlobe is excised around the tear and then it is repaired. At six weeks, the ears can by pierced. The cost ranges from $300 to $550 per ear.
Robert N. Severinac
1 UpVoted this answer
We can repair both of your earlobes for $500.00. If you are interested please call us at 781-239-0680.
Arthur A. Shektman