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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

what is the ache in my jaw?

lower both sides

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Ache needs attention, your age is not printed- late teens to 25 may be wisdom teeth.

X-ray, age, areas, what initiates pain, duration, photos- there are too many variables missing. TMJD, wisdom teeth, decay in nerve, MMA fight with a kick to the jaw (probably not), periodontal disease, over use chewing gum constantly... See your dentist soon and you two can figure it out. Good luck.
Brian L. Kirkwood, DDS
The pain in your lower jaw could range from infection to almost anything. You need to consult a dentist or hygienist for proper examination and diagnosis.
J. Abe  Smith
could be a number of different causes. Advanced cavities in your teeth, occlusal problems such as an uneven bite, which can contribute to TMJ (jaw joint) discomfort, recent trauma to the facial area, impacted teeth and ..

only a thorough exam and presentation of history of the existing condition can narrow down the differential diagnosis.
First thing that comes to mind is muscle soreness due to some problem with the bite, do you still have third molars, were you ever told they were impacted? Do you go to the dentist only when your in pain or when something breaks? Feel your jaw and if it feels like a cramp its muscle. Moist heat (hot towel) and rub it out like a cramp in the back of your neck. If the problem with the bite is not figured out it might keep coming back. If its your third molars many times the gum above the tooth will be really sore and sometimes exudate might ooze out. If you place your pinky in your ear canal (gently) and open and close your jaw and this seems to be the source of the problem there might be a problem with the joint. Ask around for the names of a few reputable dentist and call their office and see if they are comfortable handling this, if specialists are needed they will refer you out from there. The reason why you want to see a dentist you trust regularly is because every organ repairs itself to a certain extent, teeth almost nothing.
There are many possible causes. You could have tooth decay (yes in both sides!) There could be periodontal (gum disease). It could be the result of an abscessed tooth. Possibly jaw joint issues. And it is also possible that some cardiac problems will result in jaw pain. I would schedule a visit with both my dentist and physician.
Timothy Agapas
sounds like you may have some TMJ issues. I would schedule a free consult with an orthodontist in your area
.....Do you also have headaches, neck pain, and/or shoulder pain?...Could be TMJ related to clenching and the masseter muscles on both sides. Especially since you say both sides.

However, could be a toothache or infection going on in that area....

I specialize in TMJ disorders and Bioesthetic restorative dentistry. We often see patients that are misdiagnosed. We often see teeth being treated with root canals and crowns and their problems persists bc the true underlying problem of occlusal interferences are not addressed. Dr. G
Kenneth Garner
Without a panoramic xray, it is impossible to tell what the ache is from.
John S. McIntyre
If dental problems and ear problems have been ruled out, consider having a complete cardiac (heart) evaluation by your physician.
The quality of this ache must be evaluated, that is the consistency, the sharpness and the duration. The perceived location of the discomfort must be determined. Once these questions are answered, a radiographic examination will lend insight. A diagnosis and treatment plan will follow.
Bernard A. Kahn