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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Is drinking milk after eating a canned fish with vegetable oil safe?

I heard it can be bad for teeth and stomach lining.

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12 UpVoted this answer
While there are no concerns about drinking milk after eating canned fish (it is safe to do that), there are concerns about the safety of some kinds of tuna. Some people consider it advisable to avoid eating canned fish because some types of fish (such as albacore tuna) are contaminated with mercury, and because some cans have linings containing BPA. BPA is added to plastics to modify their texture and can leach into food. When it is consumed, it can act like a hormone in the body.
Janet McKenzie
8 UpVoted this answer
You should not be eating canned anything, unless that is all you have.. Vegetable oil must be of a certain type--eg, canola is horrible. Cow's milk is in general bad for you. Drink goat's milk. THe molecules are smaller and more easily digestible.

My bill is in the mail. LOL
Margaret Rague
6 UpVoted this answer
Yes its safe. Milk can be hard on your digestive track because it can be hard to digest. So long as you don't have any problems digesting fats and dairy there are no major health contraindications here.
3 UpVoted this answer
If you have grown up on drinking cow's milk, then I understand drinking cow's milk. Unfortunately, if you cannot get it straight from the cow, that's when the allergy problems come into play. You can certainly drink milk after eating canned fish if that is what you desire. If you notice stomach issues after consuming, then you need to be switching to either canned fish in spring water or adding digestive enzymes to help your stomach cope with the mixture that is causing you grief. I do not condone canned fish simply because of the aluminum in the can, even if lined, studies have shown that the aluminum will leach into the tuna eventually. I am also concerned about the mercury contained in tuna. The heavy metals can be hazardous to your health. I also understand if this is what you can afford and you like your tuna.
2 UpVoted this answer
I agree with Dr. Rague, canned anything puts tiny slivers of heavy metals into your body. Milk is for calves, not for humans. The pasteurization and homogenization makes the milk even more indigestible and actually may cause heart disease. It is a combination of sugar and protein, which is the worst food combination.