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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Mental fatigue

I am 24 year old male. I am under medication by a psychiatrist. The medicines prescribed by my doctor are as follows

1. Soltus OD 200, 2. Licab XL, 3. Bexol dt, 4.Penridol

Despite the medication I still suffer from mental fatigue. Please suggest a solution .

I was prescribed these drugs after I had suffered from Auditory hallucinations. I am taking them from the past 5 months. My mental fatigue problem is from 8 years and no doctor has been able to give a solution. Please help.
  • Male | 23 years old

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer Rebecca E. Thompson, PsyD Neuropsych, Napa
The medications you named are also know by much more common names in the US and are usually used to treat psychoses, including bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. That they are prescribed suggests a somewhat unconventional approach. They do not address low energy, and can even cause or exacerbate it. Depending on the degree to which they are successfully treating the condition for which they were prescribed, they can be changed or medication to improve energy can be added. Morning full spectrum light and daily exercise can improve both sleep and energy. Perhaps it would be advisable to obtain a second opinion from a psychopharmacologist.
Robert Hoffman
You are taking medications that are not to be adjusted by simply asking someone what to do. You need to consult with your psychiatrist before changing any medications.
J Douglas Brown
I'm sorry, but I am not an MD and do not know about your medications to offer any use. I would go back to your prescriber and let him/her know your concerns.
Santo Triolo
"Mental fatigue" can be caused by numerous things. A complete intake would need to be done to assess your individual situation. We recommend seeing a psychotherapist that specializes in addiction and trauma resolution to review all of your current medications, any over the counter drugs, street drugs, alcohol intake, vitamins, and health food supplements. A review of the events leading up to the auditory hallucinations would be advised as well. Dr. Phyllis and Rev. Carrol Davis
Phyllis and Rev, Carrol Davis
the place to start would be back with the original doctor if possible.....if the mental fatigue is an old problem then maybe the original doctor with consultation to your psychiatrist can come up with a medication regiment that will address the fatigue.....medications are there to help not make matters worse
I am not an MD or psychiatrist but if they aren't working taper off slowly, exercise and find what you love and do it. Mental fatigue is a complex issue that should be addressed by a competent therapist.
Mary Swenson
The meds you are taking can help to cause mental fatigue. However, you need them to help with your hallucinations. I suggest a trauma specialist to look into your early childhood states. Psychological testing is also advised to gain access to your mental anxieties.
Dr. Dorothy Gaine
Bravo to you for reaching out for help from a professional community. Taking charge of your health means asking for help from various sources. Please re-read Dr. Hoffman's post. A second opinion will be helpful in determining your next steps. While awaiting your appointment with the next MD, you might contact your local pharmacist and ask for a review of your medications specifically relaying the fatigue symptom. In addition to Dr. Hoffman's recommendations, I would add that therapy with a psychologist or neuropsychologist who has expertise in chronic conditions would likely be helpful in your case. There is medical history that you do not list here that may be important in teasing out the reason and treatment for your mental fatigue. It may take some time to successfully treat your problems, but it will be well worth the effort. When choosing a psychologist, please be sure you find one that is a good fit for you. Ask the doctor questions to help you determine if s/he will be the best person to work with you. Given the history that you list, I would highly recommend therapy with a Ph.D. or Psy.D. with special emphasis on rehabilitative work and chronic conditions. To help with your sleep, if you are not doing so already, try to go to bed and get up at the same times each day regardless of the day of the week. This will help to develop a good circadian rhythm. Try to avoid stimulation for the full hour before you go to bed at night (no TV, no computer, no exercise, no arguments, etc.). Make that last hour of the day a very relaxing one to assist with good sleep. Nutritionally, try eating small amounts of healthy foods every 3-4 hours throughout the day and not more than 250 mg of caffeine per day. Food is the fuel of your body and needs to be consumed at regular intervals. Try to exercise in some way every day (even if it's a short walk) because this will assist your sleep. Ask your primary care MD if a sleep study would be viable for you, especially if you snore. Try keeping a journal of your thoughts and feelings to help you let go of things by getting them out rather than holding them in. You may find some patterns in your thoughts and feelings that will be good to discuss with your psychologist.
Rebecca E. Thompson
It sounds like the medications were prescribed to treat the halluncinations. I would suggest talking to your current psychiatrist about the other symptoms which have not been relieved, or getting a second opinion from another psychiatrist. Talk therapy is also very helpful in coping with the types of symptoms you are describing. Your psychiatrist can probably refer you to a professional in your area.
Catherine Misita
I am not sure about the medications that you are on. I wonder if some of them may actually be causing your mental fatigue as well. We all respond differently to medications. Also, have you tried anything in the stimulant category? Such as Adderall? We do not prescribe medications in our facility, however, we do partner with a few area Dr's who do. We do more counselling to get to the root cause of the issues that are going on. You are very young and have your whole life ahead of you! Feel free to contact our office for an appointment! We can usually do same day appointments in emergency as well. 918-747-0155

Angela Wilson,

Office Manager of: Alliance Behavioral Health

7715 E 111th St Ste 123

Tulsa, Ok

Jim Lovett