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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Should I head to the hospital?

On Friday I slipped down a hill and messed up my ankle I had a very bad pain and tried to walk it off but I couldn't within 10 mins it was very swollwn but no bruising. I kept my foot elevated until today and the swelling has gone down a bit. the only way I xan walk is on my heel because it still hurts a lot if i try to walk. At times when I'm trying to walk it's either the Tibia or Talus bone that hurts it sort of moves I'm not sure.
  • Female | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 2 days
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: No

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer
Go to hospital and get an x-rays to make sure you have not broken the ankle. An MRI might be indicated if no fracture is seen to evaluate the ligaments and tendons on the outside of the ankle.
Rajeev Sehgal
1 UpVoted this answer
Absolutely if a bone is moving freely in your ankle area probably a good idea to go to the hospital because then you can have surgery right away if indicated. If not make an appointment with a podiatrist if they perform ankle surgeries if not an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in ankles. Gotta have an xray!!! maybe even an MRI if soft tissue damage is suspected.
Flavio Cordano
1 UpVoted this answer
There is no substitute for a qualified examination and accurate diagnosis. See your local podiatrist for appropriate evaluation including x-rays.
1 UpVoted this answer
Go seek professional medical help immediately.
Bonnie Lin
1 UpVoted this answer
Hello, well what I would suggest is getting it looked at. If you are around here we are able to see you as soon as possible. But I would suggest a dr taking a look at it.
P. Roman Burk
You should have it looked at by a local Podiatrist or Foot & Ankle ortho who can X-ray your foot to r/o a fracture. Given the history and symptoms sounds like you might have a ligament injury for which you may need a MRI and treatment accordingly. Treatment can vary from simple immobilization to Surgery depending on what is found on the diagnostic tests.
Kelvin A. Barry
You need to have your leg x-rayed. You can come to my office any time. Ice and elevate and use crutches if available.
william bose
I would head to either your podiatrist office or orthopedist. 1st you need an x-ray. If you go to ER you will wait hours and they will barely treat you and refer you to a specialist's office. With that heing said hop down to the specialist. Feel better

Dr Plotka
Steven Plotka
Get to professional care right away.
At the very least get an x-ray
Irwin D. Cohen