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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

A possible blood Clot?

I'm a 48 year old man. The past few months my right big toe started hurting like crazy. It felt like someone was using a hammer on my toe and as if there was needles under my toe. Few days later some blood was show under my toe. it looked like it was dry. My doctor told me to take aspirin pill, but now its still hurting and some more blood showed up under my toe. Could this be a blood clot? And what should I do please help me I'm scared that something dangerous will happen to me. Thank you
  • Male | 48 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: Im taking aspirin pills
  • Conditions: There was none

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1 UpVoted this answer Richard Blake, DPM Podiatrist, San Francisco
If there is no history of trauma or an infection, you should be seen by a Podiatrist. Hematoma a under nails appear after some sort of trauma. There are other conditions that have to be explored and rules out. Don't accept this as normal.
Corinne Kauderer
1 UpVoted this answer Richard Blake, DPM Podiatrist, San Francisco
It is not likely to be the type of blood clot (also called a DVT or deep vein throbosis) that you are concerned about. It very well could be a hematoma, which is bleeding into a closed space (usually under the toenail) which can not come out. There is clotting of blood in a case like that, and you may need to see a podiatrist to check it and see whether it is necessary to treat it. If it is a hematoma, there can be pain, and sometimes infection from it, but it is not a life threatening situation like a blood clot in the calf. Just to be sure - and relieve the pain - it is best to get it checked out.
Richard Eby
How dangerous?
Does not sound like a blood clot but does sound like you somehow bumped your big toe causing you to get a hematoma under the nail. This is easily treated by a podiatric physician and it is a simple appointment for you to make. Best of luck.
Doesn't sound like a clot. A clot would cause pain and possibly black and blue or grey or black discoloration of the skin
Kelvin A. Barry
Sounds like trauma I have seen blood clots to toes that it caused the process of dying tissue it should be evaluated by a specialist a podiatrist
Brian Bailey
It is very doubtful that you have a clot but you should see some one soon. If there is blood under the toe nail then the pain could be alleviated with a simple procedure even without anesthesia and very little to no discomfort. It is very common to have trauma to the toe nail with even the smallest of injuries.
Flavio Cordano
It appears that you must of jerked up the nail (like by catching it on your sock) and caused some localized bleeding under the nail. Aspirin may be part of the cause of continuing bleeds. See a local podiatrist to examine the nail and see what should be done. Dr Rich Blake
Richard Blake
There is not enough information to know what is going on. I would suggest seeing a podiatrist tomorrow.
Jerald Askin
I doubt it is anything serious. If your calf begins to hurt go see your doctor.