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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Harm OCD?

I believe i'm experiencing harm OCD. I was diagnosed with OCD at an inpatient hospital last week. I saw my therapist yesterday and she basically said that I should still have a 51/50 status, but she agrees with the OCD as diagnosed by a psychiatrist. I have obsessive and recurrent thoughts about self harm and harm in general and it's debilitating me. I've never really been a violent person or wanted to intentionally hurt myself or others but people seem to think I am.
  • Male | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 21 days
  • Medications: L methylfolate, magnesium, 100mg B6, 1000mg B12, 2000iu D3, Klonopin .5mg, Lovaza 4 grams
  • Conditions: OCD, anxiety,stress,depression, possible Asperger's, asthma, sleeping issues
  • Hospitalizations: Once (diagnosed with OCD)

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Given both the discomfort you are experiencing and the fact that your Therapist also confirmed your OCD diagnosis, the next step would be either a PHP or IOP Day Program provided you were declared not a present danger to yourself or others . The fact that your Therapist is suggesting that you remain in a mandatory hold period until your suicidal feelings subsides makes sense but then planning for the next step is very important . As with any Psychiatric condition , research and clinical studies teach us that a combination of Psychotherapy, or Intensive Psychological Treatment , such as an IOP or PHP Program , combined with medication to help manage your symptoms is recommended . But, the first step is helping you feel more in control of your present "harm" feelings which indicates a continuation of inpatient treatment before considering the next clinical steps .
Keith Kanner
Many mental health issues can be caused by underlying infections which were never evaluated and treated for. So, all though you should be working with a neuro-psychiatrist or cognitive behavioral psychologist to help with these issues, I recommend that you should be tested for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS) and screened for additional bacteria and viruses which can be triggering an autoimmune reaction within the brain. There is a lab called "Moleculera Labs" which specializes in this and their website has great educational material as well. Additional testing should include lyme disease, cytomegalovirus, EBV, mycoplasma and HHV 6. If any of the above are present they are very responsive to treatment. A skilled chiropractic neurologist can offer the latest advances of neuro-rehabilitation strategies that can identify neurological deficits and customize therapy to selectively target and improve their function. This would be an excellent adjunct with cognitive behavioral therapy.
You might try snapping yourself out of the endless cycle of repeated thoughts with an emotional jolt. When alone, try screaming as loud as you can at the repeated thoughts. Your thoughts will return but over time you can decrease the frequency and intensity of repetitive thoughts. In addition, try the, Rubber-band-on-wrist-trick. Snap the rubber band when thoughts become intrusive. The idea is to make it painful to obsess and thus extinguish obsessing behaviors. These are simple behavioral interventions which need to be complimented with psychiatric, psychological, and/or holistic interventions, especially if you notice that your wrist is becoming red and swollen!
Shirley Willis
You may benefit from holistic natural medicine. Read more information on the following site:

For acupuncture information visit this blog:
You should seek a psychiatrist immediately. They can give you meds to help with these problems.
Your history given here is good enough to advise you to seek particularly specialized help. Take the suggestions you receive here and use them wisely. You have detailed information that suggests intelligence and serious mental health disability. What I take from this are two disorders that need clarification. Asperger's Disorder is frequently combined with intellectual superiority. This is not to say you have a superior intellect but to say that acting out violently is common due to the frustrations confronted during social and meaning interactions with others. Asperger's sufferers receive messages from others of unkindness because they perceive the suffer as normal and intelligent but indifferent. The indifference they experience is met with sometimes disrespectful interactions. It becomes disrespectful because the other person processes the indifference as arrogance and retaliates as a result. The retaliation most of the time is subtle and over time, Asperger sufferers start believing the world as hostile.

Harm OCD is also emotional violence until it becomes physical. With Aspergers and OCD combined, harm is OCD is not a stretch of possibility. There is an online source called the OCD Center. They have offices in Southern California. Their phone number is 310- 824-5200 in Los Angeles. Call them and go to they have the best reading you will find on Harm OCD. Now.
I'll try to explain more so all of you can make a proper input. When little, maybe 1-2, I had a hernia that set me back. I had to relearn to walk and such. I was almost diagnosed with Asperger's or Autism when I got into elementary school. My speech therapist was the one that brought this up, according to my mom. I'm prone to ear infections, strep throat, tonsillitis, and scarlet fever, just thought i'd add that. I've also had OCD tendencies as well. I would carefully organize my files on my school computer so I know where everything is at, i'd organize certain things in certain ways but it was never full-blown if that makes any sort of sense. Last February I got out of a long distance relationship with my ex, this relationship brought me to my knees, it wore me out. She had depression, low-confidence, etc., and I tried my best to be positive and keep her up but it was difficult. It got to the point where she slept a lot and talked less with me. Eventually this made me have me first anxiety attack and it was not a great feeling. She also made me feel depressed, made me feel like I wasn't enough, and made me feel like I wasn't myself. When last August-September came around, I still hadn't gotten into another relationship. I talked to a few girls but either they weren't interested, they were in a bad relationship but loved their partner, or I'd feel like I wasn't the same and couldn't really connect like I used to with girls. I used to be a sweetheart and happy-go-lucky even though I was more on the shy side. At one time I just thoughts girls were goddesses pretty much. One night at that time, I was thinking about my ex and how I haven't been able to connect like I used to then I had a thought that I was gay and I had a panic attack, curled up in a ball and just kept saying no. See, when I was younger I was abused by my dad's ex's son who was the same age as I am. At the time it felt voluntary, but know that I look back maybe I was abused. This happened from when I was 9 to around 13. This is what caused my panic attack. For a few months I obsessed that I was gay and i'd shake my head every time I saw a guy-- I was very prone to panic. When November-December came around I found out about this pure obsessional ocd called Homosexual OCD (HOCD) and I said, "That's me!" I had a lot of the symptoms OCDLA was talking about in their HOCD page. I then talked to one of the coordinators for OCDLA and she told me that It seemed like I had HOCD. I started to look around for ERP therapy since that was what the lady said I needed and I found a psychologist in town that does ERP therapy. I contacted her a few months ago and she told me she'd put me on the waiting list. I haven't heard from her since. Now, when I was in the middle of my HOCD, there was a night where I put the family chihuahua in the kennel for the night (we put her in there at night so she doesn't chew things and mess around) and when I put her in there I had a thought that I hurt her. I just brushed it off and went to bed. Ever since then i've been afraid to hurt her. A few weeks ago I was messing around with my sweater strings with the fridge door and I had a panic attack after I had a thought that I was killing myself. This is when I researched a found out there's a pure obsessional OCD called harm OCD. A lot of the symptoms that I have matched with OCDLA's description of harm OCD. I actually talked with the same lady that I talked to about HOCD and she said, "It seems like you have harm OCD." Harm OCD can be confused with actual 51/50 and I was actually put into an inpatient hospital voluntarily because of it. I actually told the lady that and she was flabbergasted by that and said,"Wow, your therapist actually thought you're 51/50?!" I also told her that my therapist said that ERP is dangerous, even though every OCD specialist I talk to say it's safe and that they wouldn't make their patients do anything that is out of line or out there. After waiting 26 hours, I skyped with the psychiatrist and she said she had worked in a OCD clinic for 2 years and said that I needed to get Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy. She was the one that diagnosed me with OCD. I'm still waiting for the psychologist in my area to contact me so I know when exactly i'm going to be seen. I'm getting really impatient and i've expanded my horizons when it comes to treatment. I'm looking into trying to either get treatment through OCDLA, or some other OCD specialist that offers skype and phone therapy. I got into a disagreement with my mom yesterday because "I'm only fixated on getting OCD help, not the Asperger's". I told her I understand that I may have Asperger's, but that's not the only big priority here. I also need OCD treatment and she got really mad at me. At this point I feel like nobody understands, the only time I really get relief is when I talk to an OCD specialist and they tell me, "Kudos for sticking to your guns and trying your best to get help... help will be here for you soon. Only you know what is truly going on, but don't ignore advice." I actually almost shed a tear right now. All these repetitive thoughts have brought me to my knees but I'm still standing here telling my story. I may be depressed, I may feel pretty emotionally numb, I may be easily agitated, but I'm not giving up. If this means I have to do ERP on my own, so be it. This is my stand on it. I may be scared and fearful, but God knows i'm not going to let it devour me. I actually posted on Facebook last week after i got out of the inpatient hospital that if anybody has been going through a lot with OCD, depression, anxiety, etc, that they're not alone and to have people they know or themselves get help.
How awful to have such horrific thoughts. In general Obsessions such as you described although distressful as most obsessions are do not lead to actual self-harm or homicide. But do continue your therapy.
Samuel Selekman
It is difficult to know enough to give you a proper response. If you have a therapist and trust her, then it may be best to follow her advice.
Santo Triolo