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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Diet pill Garcinia Cambogia, do they work? Or do they destroy your liver?

Would you ever recommend your patients diet pills like garcinia cambogia? I've read articles about it leading to liver failure, what's your take?

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2 UpVoted this answer George B. Cooper, BSAE, MBA, NMD, CDN, PhD, DD & NDPhys. Naturopathic Doctor, Ormond Beach Arun Sharma, ND Naturopathic Doctor, Gilbert
Coming from both perspectives: Tried every diet pill when I was younger, and then Studied Holistic nutrition and weight loss later in life. I have come to the conclusion that Diet Pills just don't work! :( They tend to mess up your physiological balance and end up causing more harm than help! The most effective way for me and all my clients has always been just eating healthy real foods and exercising more. It does work and it feels great to have a healthy body in the end :)
Laura Conley
I've had some patients report using Garcinia over the years, and it didn't seem to help much. It's difficult to evaluate these substances because brand, dose, region of growth, concentration of active substance can be very different from one product to the next.

There are no magic bullets. Weight loss is about controlling your diet, getting physical activity, handling your stress, sleep, and gut health, and balancing hormones to allow your metabolism to burn fat effectively. There is no supplement that can erase the wrong diet and lifestyle approach.
Thank you for your question. Yes and Yes would be the answer. First any product, natural or otherwise can cause liver damage. It is about moderation, the correct dosage, long term use, and purity to name a few.

1.) YES I definitely recommend Garcinia Cambogia. The dose I suggest is 600mg to start. The important thing is making sure it is NON-GMO and is 60% Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). As that is what the testing was done on.

2.) I always recommend that a person check with their PCP before changing their diet and/or lifestyle. I also suggest that their PCP do a liver test at least once a year if they are adding supplements and especially weight loss supplements, as well as a few other specific supplements. It's not only that some supplements as well as pharmaceutical drugs are harder for the liver to digest, there are some other things to consider as well. One of those is that when we are loosing weight that means fat is being lost. That fat has to go somewhere. If it is not processed or our bodies are unable to get rid of the fat, we can develop fatty liver. Over time this can lead to liver failure AND if then left untreated, can lead to death. Any time you are taking supplements or pharmaceuticals keep in close contact with your PCP. He/she can work with you and do any necessary testing should you start showing adverse symptoms. I had a patient that when they started their weight loss is was purely for a healthier lifestyle. They had a blood work up done, and several other tests to make sure they were healthy enough to go on a diet. Their tests came back great. They were 200 lbs overweight, but as of the start time of the diet, were not in any health distress. Yet after losing 150 lbs over 2 years, the patient started having some symptoms. I sent them to their PCP for blood work. Come to find out, their body was not getting rid of the fat properly and their cholesterol level was dangerously high. After utilizing some other natural avenues over a 6 month period of time, their cholesterol was fine and remains fine. The patient was able to go back to losing weight and now after 10 years still leads a healthy lifestyle. It was not the supplements, but the patient's body not being able to get rid of the fat. However yes, sometimes some supplements taken incorrectly, at too high of a dose, or taken for too long, can cause liver damage. There are some supplements, that some people should never take. That is why one should always discuss these things with their PCP.

3.) I do not recommend any diet or weight loss supplements long term. Unless they are specifically tested to be taken long term. I believe in lifestyle change and that is what I teach.

I hope this was helpful to you. I also encourage the buying of natural supplements from natural health stores as they are more likely to have higher quality products and know more about their products. This is not always the case, however more often it is.
Each of my patient's treatment is individualized. Please call 503-232-3302 to schedule a first visit appointment. Personalized weight loss options, and energy booster options will be discusses with you personally
I would not recommend to take Garcinia on the regular basis, because it irritates and strain liver even in small doses. I would rather take organic pitted prunes or/and dates cocked with oatmeal. This will help to lose weight without of side effect.
Max Vainer
i hold 2 doctorates; quadruple boarded (including ''weight loss''); decades of varied experience practicing in a creative, innovative, alternative way...tremendous experience helping people loose weight.

some supplements will beat placebos for helping a subset of people loose weight. but most are just a waste of money.

in our big, busy clinic we offer a wide array of supplements and Rx meds to help people loose wight and keep it off. we are all for meds/supplements that may make weight loss less difficult.

but the core of weight loss consists of developing healthy habits....efficient exercise will help, but improving one's diet is the most important aspect to loosing weight and keeping it off.

the most effective diet for weight loss is also the best diet for one's health. it is a low starch, adequate protein diet; avoids processed (junk) food...healthy fats and lots of vegetables.

but it has to taste good and be satisfying or people won't stick to it. we have weight loss counselors to help our patients with that part.

Garcinia Cambogia may help some people loose weight but won't help most. i wouldn't be concerned about it causing liver failure.

our web site contains a fraction of how we actually help people loose weight.

loosing down to ideal weight and keeping it off is an illusive goal for most. but with a change in mindset (mainly about food) it is very possible.
No they do not work, never did, and never will, as it only overstimulate endocrine system and heart.
A tropical fruit, also known as the Malabar tamarind, may block your body's ability to make fat and it puts the brakes on your appetite. It could help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check, too. The active ingredient in the fruit's rind, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), boosts fat burning and makes you feel less hungry. In 2009, the FDA warned against using a weight loss product that contained garcinia cambogia because some people taking it got liver problems. The product had other ingredients, too, so it's not clear that garcinia cambogia was to blame. So don't use it if you have liver problems.
Garcinia cambogia taken in moderate doses should not affect the liver. However, if patient has a predisposition to liver disease it is recommended that he/she consult with his/her primary care physician before taking any weight loss supplement. Other supplements which may be considered are green tea, forskolin and ephedra (ma huang).
Margaret Bailey
I agree with most people who have answered your question clearly. Weight loss should not be the aim of any one. Health improvement alone should be the focus. Eating well ripe fruits and raw vegetables on separate meals work better than any other diet pill. There was a stone age and a metal age in the past of human evolution. Now it is the pill age to pillage the gullible public into believing that pills cure disease. Wake up from the slumber and recognize the simple and easy way to improve health with healthy lifestyle and there is no complications.

Garcinia originally in its natural state is a citrus fruit and one may consume the fruits independentaly in a separate meal moderately and occasionally. To take any fruit, vegetable, or herb as a medicine to get a desired result is not scientific. Engage in ample exercise, adequate rest and positive thinking are sufficient for improving health and obtaining optimum weight will be the seneficial side effects.
Arun Sharma