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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

I'm looking for answer about my breathing

Hi I’m a 15 year old 5’ 1”, 105 pond female and my home town doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong with me, I have these episodes where I have trouble breathing it feels really labored it really painful, I have trouble talk when this happens, I feel like I have trouble getting air into my lungs also my chest feels really tight and like there’s a lot of pressure, when I cough I get a blood tastes in my mouth. on a day to day basis I have trouble breathing, i have had asthma tests all negative.
  • Female | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: fluoxetine,ventolin,advair

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Featured Answer

3 UpVoted this answer Leslie Dawdy Family Practitioner, Colorado Springs Bassam Yassine, MD Family Medicine, Glendora Raymond Rowell Family Practitioner, Livermore
I appreciate your looking for an answer. I will give you some suggestions and hope that they help. First you have mentioned some keywords that help. You said the pain Is intermittent and when it comes you can't breathe. I know it's frightening but the fact that it's not always there is a good sign. Here's a list of things to think about. One: asthma is still a possibility even with the normal ling test. Asthma can be triggered by allergy, infection, exercise, and reflux disease. If your episodes occur with one of these triggers you may want to try using an asthma rescue inhaler or medications for reflux. Two: you could also have significant gastroesophageal reflux. This can cause shortness of breath and significant pain it was the bleeding. This is diagnosed with a barium swallow xray. Another thing that could cause your symptoms would be a foreign object which you may have choked into your lung. This could be diagnosed with a CT scan of the chest. A CT scan would also look for more serious problems in the lungs. I would suggest you make an appointment with the pulmonologist who will help you work through these and other concerns. Also as a reminder don't smoke! Best wishes to find the answer get better soon
Rodney Pollary
1 UpVoted this answer Today Clinic - OKC South Family Medicine, Oklahoma City
You are having hyperventilation episodes. This can be caused by stress or anxiety. These episodes are very scary and people often think they are dying. Fortunately, though, this is not the case. They are not dangerous and traditionally treated with a simple paper bag. You are going to be fine, I assure you.

Best of luck!
1 UpVoted this answer Today Clinic - OKC South Family Medicine, Oklahoma City
Your description makes me think of a panic attack. You could have an anxiety disorder, which can be treated with meds and or psychotherapy
Sergei Shushunov
1 UpVoted this answer Leslie Dawdy Family Practitioner, Colorado Springs
Have a thorough evaluation by a Pulmonologist, who specializes in the diseases of the lung. Get a Complete Pulmonary Function Test, where your lung mechanics gets evaluated and they can then suggest follow-up studies to follow! Given your young age, I doubt this is due to a heart condition.
Alvin K. Eng
If an in person evaluation with your doctor does not resolve the issue, then a possible diagnosis is Dysautonomia Syndrome a.k.a. 'The Invisible Disease' due to Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction & associated conditions such as Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome, Tachycardia, POTS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Adrenal Fatigue, Thyroid Dysfunction, etc.

1. Read Dr. Roland Hoffman's MVP-dysautonomia booklet: buy or download

2. Take Cardiamins with food 1-2 daily (may chill or freeze if any after-taste), order or call 1-888-769-4584 using discount code CMC. Avoid multi-vitamins or high dose vitamins unless deficiency is present.

3. Take Slow-release Magnesium 1-2 daily.

Hope this helps. Dr. Patel.
I think you will need to have more test/ diagnostic workup done. For example, chest x-ray may be ordered by your PCP . Based on this , she may refer you to a Pulmonologist for further evaluations.
I agree with the answer below. I would just add a possibility of it being an unusual presentation for panic attacks. All the recommendations of possible gastroesophageal reflux, asthma, or other conditions should be thought of and possibly looked for while keeping in mind panic attacks--and you don't have to be scared to get them they can just come for reasons that are hard to say but they can cause the symptoms that you describe in some people
Raymond Rowell
consider severe allergic reactions and near anaphylactic reaction

and pulmonary evaluation with lung biopsy
Roberto Estrada
You had asthma tests all negative ? I wish you elaborated more about what tests were done, anyway, Asthma is stil the most likely reason for your trouble and pulmonary function test are needed, acid reflux is also a facotor in pediatric patients and you need to have head of bed above 45 degrees, see if that would help, as for panic attacks most of times palpitation is present with sweating and moist hands which is not your case, you are taking fluoxetine possibly for depression, this lead me to think that if all your asthma tests are negative you have somatization disorder which is my final and most likely diagnosis since you are taking asthma meds with obviously no improvement, beside seing your primary a trip to the psychiatrist would be helpfull
Bassam Yassine
This patient needs a full evaluation. If local MDs can't answer then she should seek a consultation/second opinion from a pulmonary specialist in the nearest center.
Eugenia Marcus