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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Tiny white bump underneath my tongue

I have tiny white bumps under my tongue that really burn. They have spread over the past few days and I'm worried it will be something worse than a canker sore.
  • Female | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 4 days

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1 UpVoted this answer David Westerberg, DDS Dentist, Redlands
More info such as history of dietary changes, a current Heath history and region of the country in which you live would increase the accuracy of diagnosis. A differential diagnosis would include (RAU) Recurrent Aphthous Ulcers, Leukoplakia, Lichen Planus or Bechet's synydrome. You should seek help from a credentialed dental health professional in any case.
Val Hagans
1 UpVoted this answer Val Hagans, DMD Dentist, Las Vegas
Those look like ulcers. They feel like bumps because the skin around them is raised but they are actually more like raised craters. These could be the result of the herpes virus or more likely a stress induced condition call Apthous Ulcers. Sometimes apthous ulcers appears as solitiary ucers or sometimes resembling a bunch of grapes like these. They are painful but should pass in 10 to 14 days from the first time you noticed them.

They should be observed by you dentist during that time to be sure. Good Luck.
1 UpVoted this answer Val Hagans, DMD Dentist, Las Vegas
Knowing your age will definitely help. For the main fact that it hurts a good thing.can it be rubbed off and how long has it been there. I'm thinking that it may be aphthous ulcer. It may last for five to seven days and then heal. Best advice will be for you to visit your dentist
Kingsley Achikeh
1 UpVoted this answer Val Hagans, DMD Dentist, Las Vegas
It looks like canker sores in the picture. It can also be primary herpetic gingivostomatitis if you have also fever and malaise. You should seek a professional evaluation. Your dentist can recommend the appropriate treatment for your condition. In any case the lesions are self-limiting and generally run a course of 7-14 days.
1 UpVoted this answer Val Hagans, DMD Dentist, Las Vegas
They are probably canker sores but if they last more than 10 days and/or you have a fever, you should seek a professional evaluation. Previous recommendations are appropriate. You can also swish and spit with Maalox or other antacid.
1 UpVoted this answer Val Hagans, DMD Dentist, Las Vegas
These lesions look like recurrent aphthous stomatitis (also called canker sores). These will typically resolve on their own in 7 to 10 days. There are numerous OTC medicaments that you can use to treat. However, if this doesn't resolve in the 7 to 10 days mentioned above, you should see your dentist.
1 UpVoted this answer Val Hagans, DMD Dentist, Las Vegas
Dear patient,

It does look like a canker sore on the picture.Ideally you should be evaluated by a dentist.Take Ibuprofen for pain, avoid spicy foods and mouthwashes with alcohol(like Listerin).Good luck.
1 UpVoted this answer Val Hagans, DMD Dentist, Las Vegas
these look like aphthous ulcers and should resolve themselves within 10-14 days, you can use orajel to make them feel better mean time. i would recommend for you to see your dentist to verify the diagnosis as i am just looking at a picture
1 UpVoted this answer Val Hagans, DMD Dentist, Las Vegas
The picture illustrates typical canker sores. You can use OTC gels, if ut does not resolve in a week's time, please seek dental/medical help.
Nishandeep Chahal
1 UpVoted this answer Val Hagans, DMD Dentist, Las Vegas
Please see your dental professional.
Brian S. Nylaan, D.D.S.