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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Turf toe?

About a month ago I got turf toe and continued to play on it. I taped it before practiced and iced it after for about a week and it has gotten better. Now it doesn't hurt to walk or run, but it does hurt sometime in practice depending on how I put pressure on my toe and sometimes it is sore after, is this normal or something I shouldn't worry about?
  • Male | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 30 days

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2 UpVoted this answer David W Anderson, DC Chiropractor, Santa Rosa Chris D. Senko, DC Chiropractor, Red Deer
Big toe joint injuries like that should not be discounted and you should seek the opinion of a foot and ankle specialist to have appropriate treatment. Oftentimes, symptoms may get better only to resurface again years later particularly if you have damaged some of the bone structures around the joint. Instability of the ligaments or capsule can also create long term problems that may not manifest until later in life. While you are still very young is very easy to discount this, but I encourage you to be sure that you have not injured structures that will not heal readily. I have seen many adults that have suffered similar injuries to yours when in their teens that pay for it with significant disabling big toe joint arthritis in their thirties and forties. I encourage you to have it looked at. Best of luck.
Jason Miller
1 UpVoted this answer
First it is always better to see a professional with your complaints. Time and money or both can be a barrier. It does sound like it is improving. Walking and running without pain is a good indicator. Obviously, something has transpired here. If it is a simple sprain you should be better in the the next 30 days. If the symptoms increase, You should see a professional that specializes in these type of injuries. DPM
Stephen G. Toth
1 UpVoted this answer David W Anderson, DC Chiropractor, Santa Rosa
Toe jammed means joints in the toe are jammed. While they may only hurt in one direction, it still means that they are not working properly and are jammed. Go see a Chiropractor that works on extremities. You will have to ask if the Chiropractor works on extremities when you call to make an appointment. Not all Chiropractors do, but they should know one who does.
Elaine McNally
1 UpVoted this answer David W Anderson, DC Chiropractor, Santa Rosa
The pain is associated with extension of the great toe inside of the front portion of a shoe, during a specific activity, such as a sport. Changing the shoe to one with a deeper toe box may help to a degree. If it doesn't, seek treatment with a sports medicine physician.
Jeffrey Lerner
1 UpVoted this answer David W Anderson, DC Chiropractor, Santa Rosa
It may take a long time for this to heal. There may also be long term problems that arise later like spurring and joint limitations ( hallux rigidus) so get some professional treatment.
Thomas Komp
1 UpVoted this answer David W Anderson, DC Chiropractor, Santa Rosa
Turf Toe can actually be a complicated injury. It can become chronic, or last for a long time, i.e. months. You should see a health care professional that can help you through this. First, your provider needs to accurately diagnose the condition. These days many patients come in with a plausible diagnosis, thanks to the internet, but not necessarily the correct diagnosis. The correct diagnosis will determine treatment methods, length of rehabilitation and the prognosis of the condition. If it proves to be turf toe, changing to a stiffer soled shoe or cleat will help, as will taping procedures which protect the joint. Hands on therapy by a sports medicine type practitioner is invaluable, and you may well benefit from having the foot xrayed. Don't take it to lightly, toe injuries, be they turf toe or other, have ended sporting careers when they are ignored or mis-managed.
Tim Morgan
1 UpVoted this answer Elaine McNally, DC Chiropractor, Elmore
Find someone in your area that practices Active Release Technique, a soft tissue managment system that may get to the root of your problem. Taping may prevent the toe from moving and hurting, but muscles will eventually atrophy compounding the problem. Treating the soft tissue with ART will take tension off the joints and increase circulation to the area to allow faster healing.
Charles Graham
Turf toe is primarily considered a sprain of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ). The mechanism of turf toe injuries is a hyperextension (bending back) of the first MPJ, which results in a sprain of the plantar joint capsule or a potential tear or rupture of the plantar capsule and ligaments. Seek out a Podiatrist as this is their main focus is on the feet.
Soccer or Turf toe is a common deformity in athletic males. You should have an x-ray to see it the bone spurring is cuasing limited range or motion in the 1st MPJ. If so, surgical excision will correct the limitus instanly
Daniel Drapacz
Turf toe can take awhile to heal, if you are still experiencing pain you should seek advice from a certified podiatrist in your area
Alex Kheynson