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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Should I make an appointment to see an orthodonist?

My dentist told me that I have one baby tooth that is loose on the left side of my mouth and another on the right that is loose. He told me that I need to go to an orthodontist so I can get braces.
  • Female | 18 years old
  • Medications: N/A
  • Conditions: N/A

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Featured Answer

3 UpVoted this answer Alla Litvinova, DDS Dentist, BROOKLYN Amarjot S Sajan, DDS Dentist, Victoria
Typically when you have loose "baby teeth" later in life this means that the adult teeth either did not erupt, or you never had the adult teeth to begin with. Either way, it is always a good idea to get an ortho consult. This may lead to removing the "baby teeth" and then closing the space, or placing implants and crowns to fill the spce.
George D. Garbis
1 UpVoted this answer
Sounds like there might be more to this than loose baby teeth, possibly you do not have any permanent teeth to replace the baby teeth and your dentist wants you to see an orthodontist so you wont have any gaps in your smile, or maybe the permanent tooth is erupting into a poor position. It certainly can't hurt to consult with the orthodontist and get his/hers opinion and make your decision after talking to them.
Your dentist is concerned regarding your bite, and the space you will have, after removal of loose baby tooth.

I will be needing your xrays to guide you further, you might have an impacted tooth, below the loose baby tooth that , the dentist wants your orthodontist to force erupt it, or possibly you might not have a permanent tooth under the baby tooth, in which your good dentist wants you to close the space or make a space for a permanent tooth, or a tooth implant .

I need to see your xrays, and examine your bite, to help you further.
A consultation with a orthodontist is needed in your case. You should start treatment soon.
If you don't have permanent teeth to take the place of a loose baby tooth, an orthodontic consultation to develop a plan is definitively needed. If the permanent teeth are present then there might be a spacing issue that needs to be addressed. In either of there situation an orthodontic consult is a good idea. Miss permanent teeth can become a bigger issue in future causing more malocclusion down the road.
I suspect there is more to the dentist's referral than this. I would contact your dentist and request a more detailed explanation or just go over it again. This might provide you with more clarity as you move forward. Your dentist should be happy to answer such questions. Take care and good luck.
two periapical xrays will show if there are unerupted teeth below the "babies". If so they may be able to replace the exfoliating teeth. Or, the loose teeth can"come out" ,orthodontics can close the spaces ,OR implants or bridgework can replace them. Your dentist feels ortho is the best treatment.
Kenneth A. Zipkin
I would follow his recommendations...
Usually the orthodontist will do a free consult. So, it is probably a good idea to see an orthodontist and get there opinion on if you need braces or not
Matthew Hamilton
I feel your Dentist wants to get a second opinion as he may not be providing comprehensive orthodontic treatment in his practice.It would appear that you may be missing permanent teeth to replace the loose baby teeth; and the concern for space once the baby teeth are lost.The decision to treat you using braces or providing prosthetic treatment will depend on proper assessment and completion of records.
Vinay Jerath