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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Do I have to get the absorable barrier along with tissue graft

I went to two dentist.

First one says that we do tissue graft on 25,24,26, and 22. Good to have absorbable, this pushes gum up, (not sure if I'm explaining it right)

Second one says we can do tissue graft, aborsable is for cosmetic, goal is to stop recces ion from getting worse.

Is it mandatory to get the absorable barrier. Why spending the extra 800$ if dont have to.

Thought dentists? I mean educate me :) thank you
  • Male | 36 years old

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Absorbable barrier work very well in many cases. Finding the best treatment for you seems to be the issue here. With the limited information provider, you are young and slowing the progression of the recession in the area is the main goal. Lets look 20 years down the road and you have to get a few of these teeth extracted and a lets say have implants or a bridge placed. That will would cost probably 10 times the cost of the absorbable barrier. Dental materials are very costly for the provider and the patient. In this case think long term. Remember to ask yourself the question, "What are your teeth worth to you?". If 20 years down the road you have to have the teeth extracted, you will probably wish you would of had that absorbable barrier.
Your dentist is wise using an Absorbable Barrier because it will give the Tissue Graft the best chance to adhere to the root surface. It is money well spent.
If I am correct in understanding your situation and the two proposals, it is best to get a tissue graft. This is the best way to increase the amount of attached tissue and assure it stays there.
Lawrence D. Singer
You might want to get some more opinions from periodontists as well as general dentists. One may be more aggressive than then other in recommending treatment.
The absorbable barrier is placed to provide the best chance for the graft to adhere to the root surface. While it is not mandatory it does improve the potential for success. If your dentist is recommending it I would ask what advantage it would provide. It is possible that the second dentist is attempting to save you some $$$ but perhaps there would be a compromise in the final outcome. Ask more questions.
Timothy Agapas
It is always difficult to recommend treatment with very limited information. How much recession is there? What is the bone height around the teeth being treated. But most people do not show that gum tissue on the lower front in normal conversation. If that is the case for you than cosmetics is not a concern if you never show it anyway. Discuss it more with your Doctor to get the exact Pro's and Con's including cost and the reasons you are doing the graft. Is it to try to prevent future recession. Is it to cover root surfaces? Is it for sensitivity? Or a combination of above and sometimes more.

Talk More to your Doctor, or get a third opinion, and do what makes the most sense to you to accomplish your goals.

Jeff Lodl
Hi. The main question is if you are fixing the main reason you have a gum recession in the first place. It is usually a traumatic bite, associated with teeth shifting (history of braces?) or grinding or combination of both. If those forces still in effect then treatment will likely to fail in a long term regardless of the material they are going to use.
It is very difficult to give you an opinion without knowing the clinical and radiological condition of the area involved .

The resorbable barriers work better for long term results.

Considering your age I would advise to have the best treatment possible .
Liliana Draga
Just a correction , the soft Tissue graft for recession can also be done in combination with palatal tissue

and the resorbable tissues.

In order to minimize the the post op discomfort, granulation tissue graft in combination with the Barrier membrane

is also done .The exact treatment is always done with help of X Ray and clinical finding .
Binod K. Verma
If these teeth are already missing and you want to have Bone regeneration ( ridge Augmentation ) for placing Dental Implant , Bone graft with Barrier membrane is always advisable. This procedure is not essential if

you want to have Removable bridge .

If these teeth still need to be extracted , it is obvious that you have lost severe bone due to Periodontal disease Again Bone graft and Barrier membrane is only essential if treatment plan includes replacement of teeth by Dental implant retained teeth. . Your dentist is correct to say that Bone graft and Barrier membrane whether resorbable or nonresorbable at the extraction site prevents collapse of bone .

It is not only the money for which a treatment is recommended but what is best for the patient .Good luck
Binod K. Verma