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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

should i get rhino plasty on jan 15th, enought time to heal for feb 14th wedding?

i am thinking of getting a rhinoplasty on jan 15th, i have a wedding on jan 15th, is there enough time to heal?

1. will i have bruises? dr said minmal, as long as you follow his guidlines.

2. he will be doing it open rhino.

3, dr did not mention chin implant, would i need one?

4. i had a ct scan done , did not show up anything, my ent should read resport? he checked image, nothing.

5. do i have to obtain primary to get surgery?

6. will i have stiches?
  • Male | 36 years old

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2 UpVoted this answer
Recovery from a rhinoplasty is usually about one month, but swelling can persistent for over 6 months. Open rhinoplasty will have stitches, tape and a splint on for one week. Bruising around the eyes can last for over 2 weeks after a rhinoplasty with osteotomies. Chin implants are not a necessary component to rhinoplasty, though if they are needed it does help with satisfaction after.
1 UpVoted this answer Jason Hess, MD, FACS Plastic Surgery, San Diego
One month is enough time to recover from a rhinoplasty before your wedding photos. Most of the obvious bruising and swelling will be gone within two weeks. The incision may still be a little bit red, but you can hide that with makeup. Usually the stitches are removed about one week after surgery. Without seeing photos, I can not say if you need a chin implant. You should discuss all these questions again in detail with your surgeon before surgery; if you have any complications it could certainly affect your wedding and the photos.

Best wishes,

William Bruno
the recovery from the bruises is about 1 month after the surgery but the full recovery from swelling can last up to 4-5 months and it is well know that the final result of a rhinoplasty will be 1 year after the surgery, i will suggest to take this in consideration and then make the decisition of having or not the procedure performed.
Mario Alfonso Gonzalez Cepeda
In my opinion waiting only four weeks for recovery after a rhinoplasty is unwise. Although many rhinoplasties do look good at four weeks there is always a chance of residual swelling and bruising which would be a distraction for your wedding and your wedding pictures which you would see for a lifetime. I think it would be best to have the rhinoplasty performed three months before a wedding to allow sufficient time for swelling to resolve especially in the nasal tip region. I perform open rhinoplasty because I have better visualization and more control.

If you have a receding chin, a chin implant is a good option. However, without photographs it is difficult to give an opinion.
All good questions that should be discussed with your surgeon.
One months is cutting close, especially if this is YOUR wedding in which I would not recommend it. If it is someone else's wedding you could probably get by, especially if you are going from a big nose to a smaller nose. As far as the other questions are concerned, best to ask your surgeon.
Please review these issues in detail with your surgeon. She will guide you most accurately involving your specific case and explain the recovery period in detail. She will also explain that complications although not expected can occur and that would ruin your time line. You may be having a more complicated procedure since you are having an open instead of a closed rhinoplasty. I am concerned that since you have many questions you may need a second consult before booking as well as a second opinion.
1. depending on the amount of bony work you need, there will probably be some degree of swelling and bruising. rhinoplasty is very common, but the surgical technique depends upon what needs to be done to the nose.

3. I do not have pictures, so cannot comment

4.An ENT specialist should be able to read the CT scan images, and does not necessarily need to read the report.

5.Depends on your insurance coverage, and if the surgery is medically necessary.

6.With an open approach, there will be sutures in the columella, and absorbable sutures inside the nose.
Maurice Sherman
Due to the numerous questions you have, my lack of understanding of your case and the many variables to consider in your scenario, I would suggest you wait until after your wedding for rhinoplasty surgery. I would, however, make sure to address all your concerns with your certified plastic surgeon prior to this procedure. Good luck!
John A. Ness
When you say "a wedding" I assume this is not your wedding, so you don't care as much about how you look in the pictures. If this were your wedding, where you would care what you looked like in the pictures, I would advise you to cancel.

You will not have your final result 1 month after surgery.

Do not get drunk at the wedding or at the bachelor party. You will still need to avoid trauma to the nose so you should likely limit, severely, your time on the dance floor at the reception.

You will have stitches.

You may still have bruises and swelling at the time of the wedding.

These are all questions you should be discussing with your doctor.
Tracy E. McCall