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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


How can i get a nice smile
  • Female | 29 years old
  • Ethnicity: African American/Black
  • Height: 5 1/2
  • Weight: 155lbs

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh Tamara L. Clauson, DDS Dentist, Lodi
This isn't a DIY project. Start with your Dentist for an examination and cleaning. Learn from your Dentist the daily Oral Hygiene techniques you should be practicing and the dietary considerations that have to do with maintaining a healthy smile. Your Dentist may recommend straightening, gum treatment, and/or restorations. The services of Dental Specialists may be in order. Beware of advertising claims that sound too good to be rue...they are. Follow your Dentist's recommendations for a beautiful, healthy, stable smile. You'll be glad you did.
Arnold J. Malerman
1 UpVoted this answer Douglas  MacLeod, DMD General Dentist General Dentist, Raleigh
Best way is to visit a dentist to have your smile evaluated and talk to him/her about what it is about your smile you don't like and what you do as well as what you would like to have at the end of smile makeover. Many things could be a factor in why your smile looks a certain way and there are also many solutions on how to make things better.
There are lots of ways to improve your smile. More information, such as full mouth xrays, intraoral photos, and a comprehensive exam would be needed to determine to go about how to best improve your smile. Also depending who you go see, you may receive several different treatment options. I would recommended you choose the dentist and treatment plan you feel will have the most value for you.
Well, your dentist will be best to answer that. I should sit down and define what is beautiful to you. Make sure you communicate with your dentist what is your budget and what you want. Your dentist then can present to you solution that he can provide or refer you to appropriate specialties dentists to make it happen.
Michael Huynh
find yourself the best dentist in your area with good experience and knowledge of aesthetics .

keep good oral hygiene and care and maintain good dental and oral health.
It is not possible to answer your question without getting more specifics about what you consider a nice smile to be and without examining you. For some people, a nice smile may only require a dental cleaning and whitening and good oral hygiene. For others it may be more involved and require orthodontics, gum surgery and veneers. My suggestion is to see your dentist and explain to him/her what you would like to see (photos are a great help here). Listen to what your dentist recommends and ask lots of questions on how to achieve those results. Make sure your expectations and your dentist's expectations match up.
Begin with your definition of a nice smile and work from there. Don't let others tell you what a nice smile should look like. You can have a beautiful smile according to the dentist, but you may not like it at all. But, by the same token, you may have a certain smile in mind and it may not be possible to duplicate in your mouth. If you start with what you want and accept limitations as they present themselves, you will eventually arrive at the "nice smile" you are looking for. Good Luck!
Start by doing everything you can do for yourself at home. Thorough personal oral hygiene is the best way to have a nice smile. Being examined by a dentist can help identify additional steps that you could take to help you feel better about your smile. For some, this may involve orthodontics (braces) and possibly prosthetic dentistry to replace or repair broken or missing teeth. Some patients feel better about their smile after whitening their teeth. Personally, I feel best about my smile when I have clean teeth and healthy gums. This is mostly accomplished by excellent twice a day brushing and daily flossing. A professional dental cleaning can help to remove some problematic plaque or calcified plaque (tartar) from those hard to clean areas around and below the gums that cause gums to bleed. If you feel like you have really big dental problems, don't be embarrassed, yours won't be the worst smile your dentist has helped improve. :)
Brent C. Goldthorpe
Find a dentist with whom you're comfortable, and discuss your specific concerns about your smile. Make sure you are in good oral health, and are taking good care of your teeth. Then, realize that there are all manner of treatments for decayed, missing, filled, or "crooked" teeth, along with the usual host of other concerns many patients have, including tooth color and shades, etc. Make sure that you completely understand ALL options for improving your smile, including the major and minor ones. And realize the overall costs involved for whatever treatment plan you choose.
John R. Scuba
Great question, but probably a bit too broad for a forum like this. In short, just like any other part of your body (heart, joints, etc, etc.) taking good care of it is a start. An important component of taking good care of your teeth includes regular visits with your dentist--it is only through these regular check-ups that problems, concerns or issues can be discovered and corrected in the best possible way. Go see your dentist!