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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Alcohol allergy

I'm a college student at Purdue Univeristy. When I go to a party and drink even an ounce of alcohol, my stomach hurts. If I drink maybee one beer, I sometimes get sick. I was just wondering what may be the issue?
  • Male | 22 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: No
  • Conditions: No

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Tevora Tevora
Some people are missing the enzyme required to break down the alcohol and can experience side effects after drinking. You could also be allergic to the alcohol. See an allergist.
Your body doesn't agree with the effect of alcohol. If associated with beer drinking, allergy to yeast could be the problem. Avoiding alcohol is the solution.
Powlin Manuel
Don't drink!
Stuart Rusnak, M.D.
Two things, either an allergen in the alcohol consumed (Wheat, barley, rye, hops..) producing histamine; or a deficiency in alcohol dehydrogenase and/or aldehyde dehydrogenase. If you have a strong reaction to vinegar, the latter would be the culprit.

Stop drinking alcohol would be my first line of treatment***, though knowing why for your own info is fine too.

Finally let's quickly have your Doctor check your liver enzymes.
John Kouame
Make sure you do not have any type of anxiety. Also make sure it is not cross reacting with any medication.
Sounds like it could be an allergy problem... So you might want to get allergy tested. A Traditional naturopath could do some MRT in a few minutes and probably give you an answer... Good luck.
This problem may simply be food allergy. The most likely triggers would be wheat, barley, rye or brewer's yeast. See your PCP for blood testing for these possible sensitivities (RAST) or an Allergist for skin testing if you really want to know the cause.
Since you are only 22 with no known conditions or use of medications, I question if this is intestinal problems as noted by the other physicians. As an expert in allergy treatment at the cellular level, we have found that allergy as you are experiencing it can be:

1) inherited

2) from high levels of emotional stress

3) from your liver being over worked, which can be from multiple causes such as poor sleep or poor diet....etc.

Inherited allergy comes in intensity from 1x level, mind to 64x level, extreme. Stress such as MPR "Massive Psychological Reversal" can cause 96x level allergy. MPRs are basically another way of saying, someone is extremely upset emotionally from some traumatic experience such as events that cause loss, tragedy or extreme suffering.

Then there are 7 known combinations with allergy including them being intensified with:

1) night time

2) Blood and Body Fluids - BBF

3) cold

4) heat

5) emotions

6) Electo Magnetic Fields - EMF

7) moisture

So you may have a 96x level allergy to alcohol, in combination with BBF and emotions, making the reaction to drinking very uncomfortable since the allergy becomes a 192x or greater intensity.

The solution, if you want drug free and natural, is to find someone who knows N.A.E.T., Emotion Code or A.C.T. which can address the layers of both your allergy and the combinations that may exist. Once every combination is removed, most people have no further reaction unless their systems are prone to that weakness under stress with new MPRs that are experienced.
James Manalisay
There are various problems that could cause your reaction to alcohol. Some causes could include: Esophagitis or gastritis (inflammation of the throat, eating tube or stomach), ulcers - especially if infected by Helicobacter Pylori, gastroesophageal reflux, and others. Most of the aforementioned disorders would also present with similar reactions to other foods or beverages, especially if acidic or spicy.

It is possible that you are allergic to alcohol. This could be that the alcohol triggers an allergic reaction or by a deficiency in the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme. If the latter is the case, you might also feel dizziness or notice flushing (redness) especially of your face. It's also important to know if you're on any medications...some don't mix with alcohol! Definitely avoid alcohol until you find out what's going on!

I recommend that you see a licensed physician for evaluation.
Jorge A. Sabin