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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


I've had a scar since I was a few months old, now I'm 17. It has been causing me trouble for life ane I have no money to buy any medical treatment. How do I get rid of the scar?
  • Female | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days

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Scars heal and mature over a 2 year period, though scars early in life may change with growth. Topical care at this point with likely have no effect. Indications for scar revision include a scar limiting movement, a thick scar, a wide depressed scar or a red scar. A scar release would be indicated for a thick or restricting scar. A wide scar may be excised and closed. Redness could be treated with light therapy or steroids.

You can't make a scar go away, but it could be improved.
Unfortunately scars cannot be removed and your photo shows a scar that crosses the ideal lines for healing, at 90 degrees. Because the scar is mature and has a good color you should probably leave it well enough alone. Trying to revise scars like yours is a gamble and it would be very easy to make the situation worse. If you do proceed be absolutely sure that your surgeon is the best qualified(Board certified in Plastic Surgery and with a lot of experience), you can find
Louis Mes
Some doctors do not charge for a consultation. I would visit with one who does not. Get an idea of the options and costs and expectations so you can make your plans.

Best to you.

Scott Kasden
Surgical revision or Perhaps laser treatments will improve it, but you will always have a scar.

You would need to come in for a consultation, the consultation fee is $150.00. Once the doctor looks at you and make recommendation, then we would give you a quote. We accept ( a cosmetic credit company or any major credit cards.)
Boris Volshteyn
Once a scar, always a scar.

Can be improved in many cases.

Advise a consultation with a board certified Plastic Surgeon for your options
W. Ray Henderson
Sorry, but scars are never completely removed, just either improved or moved. Nothing will help you. You need to live with it. Look at Tina Fay, she has a huge scar on her face and has done very well I spite of it.
Unfortunately, even if you had all the money in the world you wouldn't be able to erase the scar completely. There are any number of things that you can do to make the scar look better. I also encourage you to look at microneedling. Your skin color is a risk with lasers as you could develop pigmentation changes. Scar revisions are a possibility, but you may not get that much improvement. That might be more helpful if you had tethering or indenting that showed up when you moved your lip or smiled. Microneedling isn't all that expensive. It is about $450 for a series of 3 in my office. I don't know that you would find microneedling in a residency program, as that is usually done by estheticians who are associated with medical practices. I do encourage you to consider the training programs. You can get some very nice results that way, particularly if cost is a major problem. You should also look into some of the coverage makeups. Dermablend is heavy enough to cover some tattoos. Properly done makeup may go a long way in camouflaging your scar. Finally, I will take off my plastic surgeon hat and give you some advice from one woman to another. Learn things, do things, and grow as a person. Become that awesome girl who does _______ really well. You will find that people will want you around just for the joy of your company. They won't care about the scar, and soon you will find that you are less and less bothered by whatever scar remains. This is how you take back your life from the scar that has been giving you trouble. Good luck!
Tracy E. McCall
Scar revision in your cause is considered cosmetic procedure. It is not likely that procedure to revise scar would be covered with insurance? If you live in the area where university affiliated plastic surgery residency training program exists you may try to get to the residency clinic where scar treatment may be for free or at significantly reduced cost. Good luck.
Zoran Potparic
The only way to remove a scar, is to make a new one. As for the cost, the best thing to do is to go to a facial plastic surgeon at the nearest medical center. They can evaluate you, give you options and a payment plan within your budget.


Dr. Palmer
Francis Palmer MD
Unfortunately, there is no way to really remove a scar altogether. there are was to improve a scar, but no method of simply erasing it.

The best method to my knowledge is scar revision. Unfortunately, with scar revision, results are often worse before they are better. A scar revision involved meticulous excision of the scar. Then, it is meticulously repaired, generally in layers. A multi-layered repair removes tension from the surface of the skin, and may yield a thinner, lighter scar, but it may take nine months to achieve optimal results. Optimal results are achieved through surgery, and with meticulous committed after-care including silicone gel or silicone strips following surgery.

Good luck!!