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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Is it still safe?

I am 20 years old. The start of my last period was on the 17th of March. My cycle is irregular. I had unprotected sex with my ex boyfriend on the 29th of March. Then I had light spotting on the 3rd of April. I had unprotected sex again with my ex boyfriend on the 6th and the 8th of April. And on the 9th of April, I had light spotting. When should I take a pregnancy test? And is it safe for me to still have sex?
  • Female | 21 years old
  • Ethnicity: Filipino
  • Height: 67.2
  • Weight: 112lbs

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer Kevin W. Hamburger, MD OB/GYN, Sioux City
1. Take a pregnancy test. with irregular menses, you ovulate irregularly. Therefore, it is unpredictable when you will be dropping an egg and could become pregnant.

2. Your first unprotected intercourse was 12 days after your last menses and in a "normal " cycle a woman will ovulate on Day 14 give or take a day or 2. Therefore, if this cycle was normal you could be pregnant.

3. Spotting CAN be an indicate of conception as many woman with have implantation bleeding when the fertilized egg burrows into the wall of the uterine cavity

4. Irregular uterine bleeding can be hormonally induce, caused by infection or have a mechanical etiology.

5. Only have unprotected intercourse ( and by this I take it you mean that your partner ejaculated inside of you and no condom was used) if you

a. are okay with getting pregnant

b. trust your partner will not give you and STI

hope this helps.

Be well,

Dr. Lara
Celebrating Women Center
1 UpVoted this answer
In a woman with irregular cycles it is impossible to tell her when she is ovulating and at risk for pregnancy. I think you need to get on some type of birth control before you become pregnant. I would also see an OB/Gyn to have your irregular cycles worked up. Most 20 year old women have regular cycles. Good luck.
1 UpVoted this answer
Your next period would only be due by mid April. So you have time. If no period by 4/20-25 have a pregnancy test done!
Zoltan Saary, MD
1 UpVoted this answer
You should take a pregnancy test once a week for the next 3 weeks or until you have a normal menses. I'm not sure what you mean by "safe"
Douglas J. Krell