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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


My mom(78) has Alzirmers & has come full circle with life. She is bedridden & Hospice is making her comfortable. Why is it with her no longer eating or drinking that she is have so many bowel movements? It is soft, discolored, strong in odor & massive amounts each time? (3-4 times within 24hr. period) I was told this is part of her dying process.
  • Female | 54 years old
  • Complaint duration: 4 days
  • Medications: Pain meds

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer Compass Clinic - Dallas Addiction Medicine, Lewisville
I am terribly sorry to hear about your mother. It is comforting to hear that she is comfortable. You don't need to worry about the bowel movements. Even though she is not eating, the body is still producing waste, and therefore the bowel movements. This is probably combined with some malabsorption problems in the bowel and thus the seeming large amounts. I hope this is helpful. We'll be thinking about you!
While not actually part of the dying process itself the answer is still good enough. Best to not worry about it.
William Mast
A portion of what you notice is the result of the "enterohepatic" circulation. Consider it what remains after the various components of old red blood cells remain. It will be foul smelling characteristically from bacterial action on various components. The fluid it is suspended in will make it look like it's more volumous. I wish you all well
Raymond Rowell
Caring for dying loved ones can be emotionally and mentally very challenging. Not being able to understand some of the weird symptoms can make it even more challenging. Her current bowel movements may just be spurious diarrhea. When there is stagnation in the gut, the residual bowel contents are eaten up by the resident gut bacteria to produce some toxic wastes that may cause diarrhea. The good news is that it is self-limiting. It should stop once all the toxins as flushed away with the diarrhea. Since the bm is heavy the hospice staff may need to consider fluid replacement, if that is okay with you. Hang in there and take it one day at a time.
I have a family member with end stage Alzheimer disease and it is not easy, I feel for you , the bowel movement is from malabsorption and fluid secretion in the gut, the fluid is supplemented by the hospice nurse via an iv line, the strong odor is due to bacterial growth in the gut, I believe this is expected.

I will pray for both of us
Bassam Yassine