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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Inguinal hernia

Had a inguinal hernia sugery on right side, but having trouble when I stand up, feel like stomach is expanding and hard to breath. What is the cause.
  • Male | 27 years old
  • Complaint duration: 63 days

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer Paul E. Hughes, MD Orthopedic Surgeon, San Mateo Erik Borncamp, MD General Surgeon, New Lenox
It is difficult to tell what could be going on with what you describe, since it is not very specific, without this and even more important being able to explore you my best recommendation is to go to your surgeon for a check up. It would be useful to know details such as when your surgery was done, which approach and technique was used for the repair, which medications you are taking and many other things that make hard to help you here and would be irresponsible to dictate anything else than going back to your surgeon. Good luck!
Gabriel Rosales
2 UpVoted this answer Paul E. Hughes, MD Orthopedic Surgeon, San Mateo Erik Borncamp, MD General Surgeon, New Lenox
Not sure but you must go see your surgeon so he or she can examine you. Do it now...
Reid Sheftall
1 UpVoted this answer Erik Borncamp, MD General Surgeon, New Lenox
I would keep in close contact with your physician. There are many expected symptoms following surgery. These include pain and "tightness" in the surgical area. Swelling and some redness are also common in the immediate post-operative period. However, difficulty breathing is not normal following hernia surgery. Is it possible that you had some difficulty breathing before surgery?

Best of luck!
1 UpVoted this answer Erik Borncamp, MD General Surgeon, New Lenox
There are several potential complications with hernia surgery. The symptoms you describe can be normal however u would suggest your contacting your surgeonASAP to make sure that you are recuperating the way that you should be. Best of luck
Elliot B. Duboys
Depends on the timing of surgery. If it was just recently then the bloating and difficulty with deep breathing could be normal post op gas, inflammation or blood. If it quickly resolved, that was probably it. However, there are other things that are more serious. If getting worse or not getting better see your surgeon.
Erik Borncamp
Follow up with your surgeon for a check up. An x-ray may be needed.
Robert E. Zaworski
What approach was used? Hope no foreign body was left inside you... rare but it happened before!

Go back to your surgeon and and have him at least take a simple Xray.

Best of luck!!!
It is hard to tell with a general complaint what is the issue. You should make an appointment with the surgeon and before you go keep a log of when it bothers you and the level of pain on a scale of 1-10, and what makes it better. It will help the doctor to sort out the issue.
Shyamali Singhal
Not sure, but would want to have evaluated soon, as could be a real problem,
Donald A. Balder
It is hard to give an advise or opinion b/c there are lot of missing information and many variables.

Make sure you are of pain killers and see your surgeon ASAP.
Mohammad S. Amawi