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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


my fiancé had her IUD taken out too soon. Can she get a new one put it even if it's only for 6 months to a year? Thank you
  • Male | 43 years old

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The interval depends on several factors.

Below are the pros and cons of the two main types of IUDs, which certainly matter as far the interval between the removal and the new insertion is concerned.

(1) The Copper-T IUD contains copper; barium sulfate is also added to make the device radiopaque. Once inserted, it can remain in place for up to 10 years. The Copper-T IUD can be used off-label as emergency contraception. It can be inserted up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse and reduces the risk of pregnancy by more than 99%. It is effective immediately after insertion and has a failure rate of 0.8 % with typical use.

The Copper-IUD increases the duration and amount of menstrual bleeding, resulting in approximately 50 % greater blood loss.

(2) The hormone-IUD contains 52 mg of levonorgestrel, released at a rate of 20 mcg a day. Levonorgestrel thickens cervical mucus, thins the endometrium, and may stop ovulation. Once inserted, this IUD can remain in place for up to five years. Mirena is effective 7 days after insertion and has a failure rate of 0.2 % with typical use. Skyla is inserted during the first seven days of the menstrual cycle or immediately after a first trimester abortion, then back-up contraception is not needed. In hormonal-IUD carriers the bleeding patterns are unpredictable, with frequent light bleeding for the first 3 months after insertion. About 1/3 of women will have amenorrhea after 12 months. Amenorrhea is developed in 6% cases with Skyla.

If the former IUD was Copper, the next one can be inserted during the next period. If the removed IUD was hormonal, it is better to wait for at least 3 months (using condoms or diaphragms) before inserting the new one.

WARNING: Prior the next insertion your partner needs a Pap Smear, Colposcopy, and endometrial biopsy, to rule out the contradictions:

(1) Contradictions for the Copper-IUD include: infections, PID, cysts, polyps, trophoblastic disease, cervical cancer, cervicitis, endometrial cancer, uterine septum, saplingitis, genital tuberculosis;

(2) Contradictions for the hormone-IUD include ALL ABOVE, plus liver diseases, migraine, coagulation problems, breast cancer, ischemic heart disease, thrombocytopenia, or SLE.
Yes absolutely!. The IUD can be replaced immediately. The time of treatment can be long, up to 5 years for a MIRENA iud, 3 years for a Skyla IUD and 10 years for a Paragard IUD. But once placed, they can be removed earlier than the expiration date of the IUD if your fiance decides she wants them out.

They are easy to place and easy to remove and they are THE most effective reversible contraceptive options couples have!

you may want to investigate the IUDs more on our website: