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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Dark circles

Hello I have really dark circles do to genetics I'm 20 years old . Do you think that lower eye lid surgery can help me get rid of my dark circles under my eyes?
  • Male | 20 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: Over the counter creams
  • Conditions: Bad

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Kumar Shank
Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by a number of factors. This area can have darkness from a very thin skin over the underlying muscle transmitting its darkness through the skin. There can be a depression in this area causing light to cast a shadow over this area. Hyperpigmentation in this area can cause this as well. Without photos it is hard to say which treatment or combination would work best. These include blepharoplasty, injectable fillers, hydroquinine cream, and other creams.
It is hard to say what the best option for your dark under eye circles without a proper evaluation. The good news is that there are many options . Please program a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon that can evaluate your eyes and give you a professional recommendation.
Mario Alfonso Gonzalez Cepeda
Under eye circles can be caused by a few things. Shadows from bulging fat can be addressed with fillers or surgery. Vascular causes (veins being visible through the skin) and other causes like sun damage and hormonal pigment changes can be treated with prescription creams, lasers or peels.

I recommend an in person consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. Good luck.
Dana M. Goldberg
As the other doctors stated, there are numerous causes for dark circles. I would suggest an evaluation by a skilled cosmetic surgeon to determine what is causing it and recommendations for treatments. You need an in-person evaluation so they can see the tissue, veins, etc.
Edward M. Zimmerman
There are multiple causes to dark pigmentation as Dr. Schwartz enumerated below. Because of your age, it would be rare that you have significant "bags" to cause shadowing - but without a proper examination this cause cannot be excluded. There are laser treatments, peels and other non-invasive "medical" treatments that can lighten the dark circles. What bothers me more than anything else is the fact that you are only 20 years old and your complaints are only of 90 days duration. If this is indeed true - there might be metabolic causes for the pigmentation. A consultation, first with your family physician/internist and then by a board certified plastic surgeon without be an appropriate course of action. Best of luck.
Elliot B. Duboys
Thank you for your question. A good physical exam or at least some good pictures would be needed for a more accurate diagnosis . From your description this sounds as a familial problem. The question than is is it pigment, vascular, combination or a shadow effect created by herniated fat bags or deep tear trough ( an anatomical depression created between lower eyelid and cheek) If the problem is pigment or vascular or combination creams and various "combination of lasers" may be beneficial. If the problem is anatomical an incision under the eyelid and hair bearing temple , fat redistribution in the lower lid combined with a vertical cheek lift may eliminate the shadow effect and give a smoother transition between lower lid and cheek. All these procedures have risks and I recommend you see a board certified plastic surgeon. Good luck to you
Peter L. Schwartz
As previously discussed see a doctor regarding the many options. Combining dermal fillers with laser skin care would most likely be the way to start this journey after the doctor examines you and determines which combination of issues is causing the dark circles. It is usually life long and you need to be prepared that there is ongoing treatment but not an actual permanent solution.
Traditional surgery is not really the answer for you, even without the benefit of examining your concerns. The dark circles could be caused by a variety of etiologies and each has their own 'cure'. In our age group, these problems usually arise from a deep trough or skin changes and the cause will dictate the solution. See a local board certified plastic or oculoplastic surgeon for further recommendations.
Dark lower eyelid circles can have multiple components including skin pigment, shadowing from volume loss and thinning skin. Typically in the younger eyelid, a tear trough deformity can create shadowing, as well as pigment in the skin. Volumetric replacement combined with under eye skin treatment may be a good starting point for this age group prior to moving forward with a lower eyelid procedure (blepharoplasty).