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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

I have large bumps on the back of my tongue, should I be concerned?

I've noticed large bumps on the back of my tongue- they are not painful, but they are annoying. They feel like having pieces of popcorn kernels stuck on my tongue whenever I swallow. I don't want to make a trip to the doctors with two children in tow unless there's a possibility of it being serious. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thank you
  • Female | 25 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: None

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3 UpVoted this answer
It is very likely that these are a pattern of normal taste buds or "Papillae" that are typically on the back of your tongue. They may be irritated and slightly enlarged and that is why you notice them. They should return to normal in approximately 10 days. If not, you should see your dentist to have them evaluated to be sure that they are not something more serious
Franz Weyandt
3 UpVoted this answer Jennifer McAroy, DDS Dentist, Prairie Village
It is always important to know when they appeared, after what activities (smoking, eating, drinking, taking medication) that might be related. It seems very unlikely to be anything serious, and extremely unlikely to have anything to do with cancer in a 25 year old female, however I would show the tongue to an ENT specialist or a dermatologist just to make sure. At least, check with your primary care doctor. If you are sufficiently concerned to ask for an opinion, you need the reassurance of a physician who actually examines you.
Robert Hoffman
1 UpVoted this answer
You do have large bumps on the back of your tongue, but nothing is looking serious. Is this something you have noticed in the last week or has it always been this way? Has your diet changed recently or are you taking new medications?

Your tongue appears to have the normal pattern of taste buds or Papillae. It would be smart to have your dentist check your tongue.
1 UpVoted this answer
This could be as described, popcorn husks on top of large taste buds located on the the dorsal surface of the tongue. However, there is always the possibility of growths due to repeated irratations. These "growths" most definetely need to be evaluated by your dentist. Better safe than sorry!
Dennis Hatfield
1 UpVoted this answer
Whenever one is in doubt about their health, for most reasons, it pays to get professional advice in the form of thorough exam. A picture doesn't always tell the complete story. Less "serious" conditions are frequently treated, when necessary, more easily, less expensively and more successfully. When one waits for a problem to "hurt" etc., that's when treatment options become generally more limiting and difficult. Your tongue morphology "appears" to be fairly normal, but I personally am a little more concerned about your complaint...your tongue shouldn't be uncomfortable when you swallow. If it is, then there might be something going on. Discomfort upon swallowing would be very disconcerting to me as we typically swallow many, many times each day. It seems to me that you've "put up" with this "condition" for 90 days and nothing has gotten any better. Why don't you err on the side of caution, and get your tongue looked at by someone familiar with tongues (E.N.T.s, oral surgeons, dentists etc.). One of these professionals may have a better solution/answer for you. The nice folks at the E.R. mean well but typically their dental knowledge is less ideal. They'd most likely tell you to go see your dentist anyway! I'm sure that finding out for sure that your situation is nothing would be far better than the alternative. Good luck!
1 UpVoted this answer
It looks like normal anatomy on the back of he tongue. However, if you feel like its getting enlarged please see your dentist right away
1 UpVoted this answer
From the photo posted the location of the bumps seems to be your regular anatomy. If you feel they have gotten abnormally enlarged then please see an oral surgeon.
Nairi Kureghian
Immediate possibility is they are "circumvallate papillae" which are normal taste buds. If temporarily inflamed they will enlarge and seem to be as you describe. If they do not subside in approximately 2 weeks, have your dentist or physician evaluate.
Ernest A. Gailiunas
These are called circumvallate papillae and are normal. They help taste. If ever concerned, check with a trained professional... A dentist...
Duff Kaster
These are called circumvallate papillae and are normal. They help taste, especially bitter things. Nice picture.