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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

pregnancy after tubal ligation

I am concerned, I had a tubal ligation 7 years ago after the birth of my son when i was only 20 years old. I am showing symptoms of pregnancy (breastfeeding tenderness, fatigue, increased vaginal discharge, fullness in my stomach, and so forth). 2 or 3 weeks ago (during my ovulation time) I noticed light spotting. Also my period last month barely lasted 24 hours I am very concerned since I know of the risks for etopic pregnancies after a tubal ligation. Any advice would be great.
  • Female | 28 years old
  • Complaint duration: 13 days
  • Medications: Suppliments

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1 UpVoted this answer
Pregnancy is still a consideration as no form of birth control, with exception of hysterectomy, is perfect to prevent pregnancy. I would also recommend checking a pregnancy test at this point. I also note that you are taking supplements. If some of these supplements have estrogenic effects, they could be altering your cycles and symptoms. First step check a pregnancy test and if negative, consider an evaluation with your doctor if the symptoms persists.
Patrick Ramsey
1 UpVoted this answer
There is no 100% guarantee for any form of tubal ligation. The failure low, 2-10/per 1,000 women, and depends on the segment of the ligated tube (distal -infundibulum, midsegment-ampulla, proximal- isthmus), the ligation method (clips, rings/band,or burning with electrical current), and medical reasons.

An accurate description of the surgery could be found in your obstetric card (pursuant to the HIPAA, either you directly, or your assigned attorney must mail or faxmail a request to get the copy of your medical records).

In either events (prior c-section or vaginal delivery), you might have read and signed an informed consent with a meticulous description of the proposed tubal ligation method. Often, the surgeon changes the planned surgical method or technique in the process of operation due to several reasons (adhesion, abscess, diverticula, isthmic occlusion, etc). After the surgery, the surgeon reports you about the ad-hoc changes and modified techniques.

Because of the lower level of the beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ( hCG) for the ectopic gestation age- compared to that in the same uterine gestation age, the urine pregnancy test may fail with false-negative results. It is better to check the hCG in the blood serum, starting from the 6th week after your last normal/reasonable period (not the one that lasted 24 hours). Good luck.
Pregnancy after a tubal ligation is actually more common than most people realize, it may be as high as 1 in 30 according to the CREST study, which was a large multicenter study looking at sterilization. After sterilization procedures, I tell my patients to do a pregnancy test any time their periods are abnormal, just to be safe. The greatest chance of pregnancy is within the first year after sterilization so since you are 7 years out , the risk is much lower. When pregnancy does occur after tubal ligation , at least 50 % of the time it is ectopic, or tubal pregnancy. So I would definitely do a pregnancy test , but you should be OK. If abnormal bleeding continues, see your OBGYN.
Kyle A Baker
You should do a pregnancy test or see your doctor right away. Although tubal ligation is a very effective contraceptive, there is no perfect contraceptive and there are rare cases where women get pregnant after tubals or vasectomy. It is important for you to know as the risk of an ectopic or tubal pregnancy is high if you have had previous surgery. If tubal pregnancies are caught early, they can be treated with an injection instead of a surgery.