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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Menstrual Cycle

Is there any known way to postpone a menstrual cycle?
  • Female | 21 years old

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If you are already on oral contraceptive pills , you can skip the placebo pills and go directly to the next pack. If you are not, then taking progesterone until you know longer wish to delay the period would work however without a blood test to see whether you have already ovulated there is no way to be sure your won't get pregnant. Different practitioners use their own methods , so check with your OBGYN provider.
Kyle A Baker
You may ask you provider to prescribe Norethisterone. It is a progesterone that will prolong your cycle and delay your period. Your next period will start three days after you stopped taking it. Be aware that this medication is contraindicated for those who have epilepsy, porphyria, migraine, asthma, heart, coagulation, or kidney problems, and it can'y be combined with certain drugs (ampicillin, anticonvulsants, carbamazepine, ciclosporin, co-trimoxazole, efavirenz, nelfinavir, nevirapine, oxacillin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifabutin, rifampicin, ritonavir).

There is also a herbal method (hard to control, though), out of the counter. From the 14th day of the cycle you may take 450 mg of St. John Wort, or > 450mg-depending on your BMI, which will suppress the secretion phase and delay the formation of the decidua (thus, the menstrual bleeding). However, this is risky, as it is hard to control and often can lead to profuse bleeding (too risky).

I would suggest you obtain a prescription from a provider. NOTE: this message is rather ancillary and cannot be used as a medical advice. It only helps you to make your own choices.
It is NOT healthy to do that. Birth control pills can cause serious side effects like depression, weight gain, loss of libido (Sex drive) and can increase your risk of certain cancers. If you don't like the blood I recommend the Diva Cup. You can wear it for 12 hours and there's really no leakage, unlike with tampons. Unlike tampons, you can't get toxic shock syndrome from this either.
With oral contraceptive pills your doctor can give you guidance to alter timing of your menstrual cycle. OCPs such as Seasonale can result in menses ever 3 months rather than monthly. Talk to your doctor for guidance and best recommendations
Patrick Ramsey