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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Lupus pregnancy?

Is lupus pregnancy possible without hurting the kidneys? I am 14 my lupus status is good. My neurologist says my lupus will vanish in my beginning adult years, and so if it does andif it doesn't what are my chances when i am older? Has there been successful pregnancies?
  • Female | 16 years old
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian / White
  • Height: 5.2
  • Weight: 120lbs
  • Medications: Ranitidine and topiramate
  • Conditions: lupus

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If Lupus Erythematosis persists in adulthood then other problems can arise. Pregnancy does not necessarily damage kidneys . One thing very good for your health in a general way is to reed the books of William Davis M.D.

or have your parents reed them with you. One is Wheat belly& the other is wheat belly cook book. U can get them on Stay in touch with my office and I will help you all along. And may God bless u and heal u

and may God bless your parents. My email clinic phone 305-777-1670.
Victor Shabanah
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or "volchanka" (in Russian) is an autoimmune antiphospholipid anti­body syndrome, leading to intravascular cellular proliferation, venous and arterial thrombosis (including in the placenta), as well as cutaneous, neurological, and renal symptoms.

If you get pregnant, you and your provider must work together to ensure that your lupus is under control during the pregnancy, mostly to prevent nephritis and placental failure. Apparently, lupus in pregnancy requires adjustment in medications, as certain drugs are contraindicated: mycophenolate mofetil, methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, vitamin-A, leflunomide, and warfarin.

Quite often, lupus is the body's response to certain viral infections, such as Epstein-Barr virus, parvovirus B19, cytomegalovirus, and retroviruses. It would be helpful if the Immunoglobulin G for those viruses were checked in the serum to establish the history of such infections, and Immunoglobulin-M to establish when those infections were contracted (the onset).

Note, that not all pregnancies are complicated by the lupus. There is a very high 78-91% survival rate. So, relax. It is your provider's responsibility to follow the pathogenetic chains, and it is your responsibility to eat and rest well, consume ample amount of fluids, fish, fish oil, a tiny about of flax seed daily, ensure sun protection, and avoid negative thoughts and emotions. The provider will instruct you how to monitor your fetus at home (fetal movement diary).

Also, the pregnant woman or the one who plans for a child must check for health insurance plan. Inadequate insurance should not keep from getting the timely treatment during the pregnancy. Make sure your insurance plan covers the specialist visits, as well as any collateral problems that may arise.
Yes successful pregnancy is very possible with well controlled lupus. Unlikely the condition will resolve as this is an autoimmune disease and when you hae developed, not likely to resolve. Wait until you are ready though and lupus is well controlled before you try.
Patrick Ramsey
Yes totally successful many times. The strategy is to optimize health first, then evaluate to anticipate possible pregnancy problems. Usually, management with a maternal-fetal medicine specialist on the team is necessary.
Douglas J. Krell
I have delivered many successful pregnancies for women with lupus. The key is good control and good renal function before pregnancy. I would concentrate on your current health and when it is time to consider pregnancy, visit with your OB/GYN to review medications and get more information