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  3. Our software and our Marketing Engineering staff review each answer and optimize your answers for keywords valuable to your specialty. It is a well kept secret that doctors (you) - not SEO consultants - are the ones who have the most valuable content prized by search engines. Ask DoctorBase "unlocks and optimizes" your content in the most efficient manner possible with today's technology.
  4. Finally, the doctor who provides the most popular answer - "the Featured Answer," gets an added benefit by allowing patients to write rave reviews about your expertise - reviews that are submitted to both Google and Google Local through our Preferred Data Provider relationship.

Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Glucose Tolerance Test

I'm 28 weeks pregnant and I took the screening for the Glucose test and my results came back as 158 mg/dl.... I am suppose to take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test on Monday... I have been monitoring my blood sugar levels and so far they have been average but I'm afraid if I drink the 100grams of sugary drink the levels are all going to be high. How will that drink effect my blood sugar levels?
  • Female | 32 years old

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I believe, the AC 1 test would be the optimal in your situation, as it does not require a tolerance challenge or fasting, and blood can be drawn for the test at any time of day. The A1C test is based on the attachment of glucose to hemoglobin; therefore, it reflects the average blood glucose level over the past 3 months (as the average life of an erythrocyte is 3 months). The test reads as a percentage,and the normal margin is 5.7 in a person with an average BMI.
Gestational Diabetes affects around 5 percent of pregnancies, and can cause significant complications of pregnancy. About 20% of women taking the initial screening glucola test will have a result above the cut-off

for normal . 158 is definitely abnormal whether 130, 135, or 140 is used as the cutoff. Only about a third of those who have a positive screen are then diagnosed with gestational diabetes by the 3 hour test. In my practice, when someone's initial result is 170 or higher, I skip the 3 hour test and refer those patients directly to a diabetolgist and nutritionist. The 3 hour test is a more thorough way to evaluate the way your body handles a sugar load. If your levels are found to be high , that means you are not metabolizing sugar efficiently and the result is that the baby will be exposed to those same high glucose levels. This is important to know. When someones condition is severe the 100g load may send their sugar skyrocketing , but this is unlikely with your level of 158.
Kyle A Baker
This loading dose of sugar will cause a sharp rise in blood sugar(glucose). Blood samples are drown at specific

intervals. The numbers are depicted on a graph. This curve is compared to the normal or the diabetic to see whether your curve looks like the normal or the diabetic pattern.
Victor Shabanah
The glucose intake will cause

your glucose levels to rise.

Three hourly levels will be

measured to determine if

they are high enough to

see if you have gestational
