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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

who's the father??

I had 27day period in May. I begin my period on may 12th and it ended on May 15. I had sex with my ex May 18. Then turn around and had sex with my current boyfriend on May 25&26. I went for an ultrasound Jun 22 and I was 6weeks exactly. Who is the father ??
  • Female | 18 years old
  • Complaint duration: 90 days

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The accuracy of the dating with an ultrasound at 6 weeks should be within 5 days or so. Pregnancy 'weeks' are counted from the date of the onset of your last menstrual period. Ovulation and conception usually occur on day 14 of your cycle , although this can vary. The dating appears to be consistent with your last period which means you would most likely have conceived on May 26th give or take a day . So it looks like your current boyfriend is the father but more precise dating can be gotten with an ultrasound between 10 and 12 weeks. The only way to be 100% certain is by DNA testing, however.
Kyle A Baker
The "exact" 6 weeks on June 22nd suggest that your last period was on May 11th. Your statements of your last period (May 11-15th) matches the ultrasound findings. Both guys potentially could be the father.There is, however, a collateral knowledge to help you establish the paternity without invasive paternity tests during the pregnancy.

If your choice is to carry this pregnancy (depending the abortion statute of you State), then wait until the 12-13th weeks and the 4D ultrasound will show the gender of the fetus.

If it is a boy, then your ex is the father. If it is a girl, then your current boyfriend is the father. This is because, the conception before the ovulation results male gender (with a 93% accuracy) , and conception after the ovulation - in female gender.

Even you had sex with your ex on the 7th day of your cycle, his sperm still remained in your tubes and uterine cavity and you could be conceived on the 9-10th days - resultant in a pregnancy with a baby boy.

If you carry twins, then all these calculations must be revisited.