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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

I have discovered small hard bumps on my introitus and was wondering what they could possibly be?

They are hard, white-ish, entirely painless, and are sort of formed in a line along the inside wall/opening. I haave been sexually active with one partner, although I haven't had sex in the past two months.
  • Female | 19 years old
  • Complaint duration: 3 days
  • Medications: Ortho tri cyclen birth control

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer
It looks like a primary syphilis. The abstinence for two month does not rule it out, as the prodromal period may range from 14 to 90 days - with a mean of 21 days. Your blood test would be negative at this stage, thus do not rely on it. You must show the lumps to a venerologist.
1 UpVoted this answer
These are most likely epidermoid cysts. They are plugged skin glands and the material collects behind the obstruction causing the hard little mostly painless bumps. A exam can confirm this.
Peter M. Dayton
1 UpVoted this answer
Genital warts can often form a line, however, they are generally soft and have a cauliflower appearance. Warts can be transmitted despite condom use, and can be treated easily. Not all patients receive adequate coverage from Gardasil, a vaccine that protects women and men from HPV (human papilloma virus, the virus that causes warts and cervical cancer).

Cysts are often uncomfortable and do not form a line.

Initial outbreaks of Herpes Virus do not always cause pain, however, they do cause flu-like symptoms. Your doctor can run a blood test to test for HSV1/2 to tell you for certain if you are a carrier. Again, condoms do not always protect you against herpes transmission, as they can be at the base of the penis, where a condom would not cover.

Your gynecologist will examine you, perhaps swab the area for culture or testing, and possibly recommend a blood panel. I always recommend patients have annual STD testing - even if they've had one partner.
1 UpVoted this answer
These would need to be examined in order to give you an adequate answer.
Helard Ballon Hennings
1 UpVoted this answer
Best to examine these.