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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

RE: Foods for Women's Health


Since I'm a Vegan and into eating mostly Organic and Non-GMO foods, what foods/healthy recipes would you recommend for prevention and treating menopause symptoms (hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue, bloating, hormone balance etc) breast cysts, and heart health?
  • Female | 54 years old
  • Ethnicity: Other / Decline to State
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 129lbs
  • Medications: Fluphenazine (injection every 3 weeks)

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Single best, simplest, cheapest, easiest, most beneficial starting point is to go to and order some nascent iodine drops and use 2 - 3 drops daily in a little water. This should help your entire hormonal system balance, and it should reduce the hot flashes quickly and safely. Nearly everyone is deficient in iodine and this is the best form to use. I would never suggest that anyone should take any hormone replacement therapy - even if it is herbal - without a complete hormone test to see what all your current levels really are. It is unwise to assume you know which ones are unbalanced and in which direction. They will often fool you as symptoms of different imbalances can be remarkably similar. Saliva testing through Diagnos-techs Lab is my preference for my clients. If you would like more information, feel free to call me directly.
Jana L.Scott
I understand your position, but please know that you will always be sacrificing your health if you remain a strict vegan. It cannot be done in a healthy way in the 21st century. We have too many chemical toxins, electromagnetic radiation, too little sunlight, and nutrient-depleted plant foods...even organic, sustainably farmed, small farm foods.

I'm a huge advocate of organic, local, sustainable plant foods. But you need B12, preformed Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, zinc (without phytates), and preformed EPA & DHA.

If you want honesty, you must consume seafood, raw milk (cow, goat, or sheep) or eggs at the very least. These are necessary (seafood is the healthiest) to combat the onslaught of our modern enviornment.
as clinician my advice to you is , lets start by what to AVOID or significantly reduce:

kale , cauliflower, broccoli, flax seed,spinach,brussels sprouts, and unsupervised HRT.

I would suggest our alkaline recipes in Back to the House of Health books 1 and 2 by Shelley Redford Young
As a Registered Dietitian, I would recommend having a full nutritional assessment completed by a nutrition expert like myself to determine if your diet is potentially deficient in key nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, omegas, magnesium and potassium. There are several types of foods and healthy recipes that could be recommended after better understanding your current nutrient intakes. Best of luck to you. Keep up the great work on preventative health!
You are on a good start with non-GMO foods. Green veggies are going to be helpful. So is flax, and also chia, or hemp seeds. Eat 2 TBSP daily, ground in a blender or coffee grinder. These have essential fatty acids in it that are essential because we can't make them ourselves. The problem is that only 5% turns into the other essential fatty acid, DHA, which you need for your brain. This is usually in free range eggs and meats, wild game, etc. You'll have to get it from algae. I do not think veganism is healthy for the long-term, as no society in the world has survived being vegan. Check out the Price Pottenger Foundation for more information. Veganism is very good for short-term benefits. You will want to avoid coffee.

On the right homeopathic medicine, I have seen the frequency and severity of symptoms resolve, and hormones rebalance. If you have hot flashes it tells me you have had imbalanced hormones for years. Time to get them balanced now!
You can try organic soy. Personally I have used Flaxseed oil, 1/2 tbsp daily with high lignans.
Essiac tea may also help with balancing hormones and preventing cancer.
Margaret Bailey
Since you are vegan taking a Omega -3 or 6 supplement may be more practical.
Margaret Bailey
Foods containing Omega-3 are good. For example cod fish, herring, salmon, sardines and tuna. Soy based products are good as well. Vegetables such as spinach, kale, and squash assist with bone health. Peaches, apples,grapes, and flax may prevent cancer, providing fiber to help maintain heart health and decrease bloating.
Margaret Bailey