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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

After surgery


what are the emergency signs to look out for after a surgery?
  • Female | 33 years old
  • Medications: Not yet
  • Conditions: No

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1 UpVoted this answer
Fever, redness, asymmetric swelling, or dramatically increased pain could indicate something is wrong. Drainage after 24-48 hours could also be a sign that something unusual is happening. If you see any of these things, contact your surgeon.
Dana M. Goldberg
1 UpVoted this answer
Extremely difficult to know how to answer because everything depends upon the type of surgery that we are discussing. Speaking in generalities what one would typically look for is fever, excessive pain that is not controlled by the medication prescribed, redness around the wound, etc. The etc. would depend upon the specific procedure. If you have a more specific question - please post and I would be more than happy to assist.
Elliot B. Duboys
1 UpVoted this answer
Although it is difficult to answer the question specifically without knowing what surgery you're talking about, general signs to be concerned about would be fever, severe pain, excessive swelling, red color, continuous bleeding of significant amounts, cold and blue in a limb, complete numb feel to the area after local anesthesia has worn off to name a few. Most times surgery goes smoothly without any of the above.
Chasby Sacks, MD
1 UpVoted this answer
The most common conditions to watch out for after surgery are bleeding, infection, and wound or tissue healing problems. These can be identified by increases in pain, redness, swelling, warmth, discoloration or wound separation. If you have any questions about the recovery process you should always contact your surgeons office since they will have the best knowledge of your specific procedure.
1 UpVoted this answer
Pain, fever, bleeding, abnormal swelling, any visable signs of infection. Please contact your doctor's office for more information since they are familiar with the surgery you had performed. If they are not available go to an urgent care facility.
Edward M. Zimmerman
Emergency signs to look for depend on the type of surgery you had. They can ran from infection which manifests itself as fever, redness, swelling or drainage from the surgical site, to bleeding, to pneumonia, to blood clots. Is there a specific type of surgery you were referring to?
I tell patients there are FIVE things to look for after surgery that warrant immediate attention. 1) Bleeding from the surgical site, 2) Sudden onset of pain in the surgical area that worsens, 3) Chest pains, 4) Shortness of breath not relieved by rest, 5) Wound separation.
Signs to look out for after surgery are swelling which could be a sign of a hematoma which is the most common complication after plastic surgery. A hematoma is a collection of blood which can cause excess pressure on the skin. Swelling may be a sign of infection and a possible collection of fluid, termed a seroma. Redness is also a sign of infection.
Redness, swelling, drainage, tenderness, warmth, fever and drainage are the classic signs of infection, a potential complication in all surgeries. Usually this is in the less than 1% range. Bleeding after surgery is also a risk of any surgery, the risk is also in the 1% range and can range from minor to life threatening. Bruising and scaring can also be seen. While each surgical procedure has its own unique set of complications, these are the common ones.
Dan DeLoach
Great question. Most common symptoms we tell patients to look out for would be fever, chills, and localized redness/swelling. These are most commonly associated with infection and we always recommend if you notice any of these symptoms after surgery that you call your surgeon's office immediately.