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Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

Sharp vaginal pain, white discharge?

I have sharp vaginal pains and when I looked down there, I noticed it was white. I thought it was a yeast infection, I was prescribed fluctanate oral tablets. It went away, now the white stuff is back. There is no burning, no itching. It hurts when I walk and when I sit a certain way. I'm not sure what this could be, I'm also not sure if I should see a primary doctor or gynecologist.
  • Female
  • Medications: Fluctnate
  • Conditions: No

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Featured Answer

2 UpVoted this answer
the pain has nothing to do with the discharge

you need to find someone who can evaluate you for pelvic pain-your symptoms are most consistent with some sort of pelvic floor problem
Michael Birnbaum
1 UpVoted this answer
I dont think the discharge and the pain are related. In either case you should see a gynecologist for an accurate examination
The pain and the discharge may not be related. The range of potential issues in this situation is quite vast. It could be something quite simple or quite severe. I think you would best be served by seeing a Gynecologist for a thorough evaluation.
Identifying your age and some events (childbirth, menopause, etc) would help think broader than the issue of yeast infection which does not cause "sharp" vulvodynia. I suggest you see a gynecologist to rule-out cysts, prolapse, endometriosis, cervical ectropion, vaginal atrophy, etc. If you are in reproductive age, try to arrange your visit in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (after menstruation) , as the secretion phase (2nd, before menstruation) is unfavorable for diagnostics of the relevant problems. Make sure you had bowel movements before seeing the doctor. Good luck.
I also am not quite sure what is going on, but you should not have vaginal pain when walking or sitting a "certain way". I would see a gynecologist for a thorough exam.
Usually this is vulvar irritation.

Sometimes it's caused by a

fungus and a cream is used.

Best to see your gyn.