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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

13 weeks pregnant and my symptoms have went away

I am 13 weeks pregnant and have been feeling better than the past weeks. Is this normal to feel better in the 2nd trimester?
  • Female | 22 years old
  • Medications: None
  • Conditions: No

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2 UpVoted this answer
Don't fight it. Better is better.

If your concern is that something has happened to the fetus, get a vaginal ultrasound exam, because it is too soon to run a biophysical profile (BPP) test, which is commonly performed from the 30th gestation weeks. If you are nulligravida (the first pregnancy), you will experience kicking from the 16th weeks; if it's not your first pregnancy (primipara, multipara), the kicking will start earlier and quite soon, you will be able to "monitor" your baby at home by his kicking patterns. If the ultrasound is not available, check for a non-costly, simple citology of the vaginal posterior fornix. Such a simple method allows to check for the hormonal balance or imbalance through the cornification index (which must be low during the uneventful, growing pregnancy). This test does not reach the uterine cervix, thus, it's non-invasive and safe for your baby. Good luck and congratulations!
1 UpVoted this answer
Dear 13 weeks,

As a chiropractic physician, we see pregnant women in our clinic every week due to low back & hip pain, neck pain, pubic pain, and headaches. Most of these ladies are referred by their OB/GYN's for musculoskeletal co-management, but we often help with nutritional issues, and nausea too.

When you say your symptoms have gone away, I assume that you are referring to the morning sickness, nausea, food aversions, malaise etc... If this is the case, then great, we often see these types of symptoms resolving or reducing as the 2nd trimester begins. If you are referring to pain symptoms, which normally do not abate without some type of musculoskeletal care, well that is great too. This is normal from my experiences as a husband and a doctor. The majority of the pregnant women I have treated in the last 10 years do feel better through the middle of their pregnancy.

Enjoy this time, make sure to stay current with your OB or midwife, and discuss everything fully with your healthcare team! By the way...Congratulations!
It is normal to feel better the WHOLE pregnancy. Morning sickness and other symptoms are symptoms of a hormonal imbalance and are NOT normal. We are supposed to enjoy pregnancy for the wonder that it is. If you have symptoms, homeopathy can be effective and is safe during pregnancy, with no side effects, unlike drugs.

this is a common occurrence. As the baby is developing their sharing everything and getting everything from you, right? And therefore all the toxicity, all the heavy metals, that you have in your body, in your diet will be passed on to the fetus. So it is very typical for the pregnant woman to feel better when these toxicities are drained out of her body and deposited into the growing body of the fetus. This sounds like a very bad thing and in fact it is, and critically important that you work with a functional medicine doctor ( to eliminate toxins from your body so they don't going to your baby. As a bonus here's some other information you to know as a pregnant woman for the betterment of your health and the betterment of the health of your baby.

I wish you and your baby all the best!
Yes, absolutely. Many women find new energy and enjoy the second trimester of pregnancy. I hope that you will continue to feel well and to enjoy bringing your babe into the world. Good luck!
short answer, yes
Michael Birnbaum
This is normal.

Continue to take your prenatal

vitamins. It's important to keep

your appointments with your

OB for prenatal care.