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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


I just got diagnosed with chylamdia on Monday im on antibiotics, but my doctor didn't tell me specific time frame for when it is okay to have sex again and I know to abstain till the medicine is complete but is there a waiting period after that? my second question is can you kiss while on the medication? And my third question is the guy I was sleeping with he said he got tested and results the same day and that he was clean is that even possible? I thought results had to go to a lab? Thank you !
  • Female | 22 years old
  • Complaint duration: 4 days
  • Medications: Predisone
  • Conditions: Allergic reaction -undetermined cause being treated for this right now. Not related issue

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1 UpVoted this answer
(A1) Chlamydia trachomatis is a chronic bacterial infection, that said the current treatment you receuve is not a 100% guarantee of cure. Chlamydia cannot be eliminated by a single treatment session. Immunomodulation is more important than the prescribed antibiotics. There is no need to abstain, just ask you partner to use condoms. (A2) In a monogamous relationship, kissing should not be a problem. Immune responses in saliva are tightly regulated. The human saliva is rich in gA antibody and at the same time in cytokines ( suppressive immune molecule that transforms growth factor-b (TGF-b)). Ample production of saliva is a perfect mechanism of cleaning-up the oral cavity, unless there is xerostomia (dry mouth) caused by diabetes, unhealthy diet (consuming too much snacks, and less fiber or fresh, uncooked vegetables), or by consuming illicit drugs. (A3) What your partner told, is about a batcerioscopic exam the results of which are available the same day. Processing time is required only for the bacteriological (culture) and serological (ELISA, Luminex, FISH) exams. The latter is meant to measure the level of Ig-M and Ig-G to determine the onset of the infection. If the Ig-G is high and Ig-M is zero, the infection is chronic, in other words, the person has been infected more than two weeks ago. I trust this helps. Good luck.
1 UpVoted this answer
Once the antibiotic is finished(I assume it was Doxycycline) , you should be okay to resume sexual activity. Second: Yes you can kiss while on medication, If he is the only person you were sexually active with, then it is highly unlikely that he is negative. Even though there are some tests which could be tested same day, I suggest getting a specific test through the urine sample with checks for chlamydia DNA(take 2-4 days) . I would advise you to use protection until you get confirmation that your partner has been properly tested and treated.
Your physician will have to re-test you to see if it's all cleared.

It is rare to get same day lab results. You might want to ask him for a copy of his results. There are a lot of great MD's providing specific advice and direction. I hope you follow their advice.
You and your partner should both be treated and ideally do a test or cure before unprotected sex. He should show you his test results. Yes the test has to go to a lab which normally does not return the same day.