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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content


If I am 18 years old and at a healthy weight (120 lbs and I'm 5ft3in) and want liposuction of my stomach (because I want to look like I have a more tapered, thinner waist), will I be able to get it? Would doctors do it?
  • Female
  • Complaint duration: 90 days
  • Medications: no
  • Conditions: Depression

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2 UpVoted this answer
Focused liposuction in stubborn areas is very effective in decreasing the prominence in the areas of liposuction. Small areas of liposuction have a short recovery and if you take care of yourself after liposuction the satisfaction rate after this plastic surgery procedure is very high.
1 UpVoted this answer
Dear Maam

This depends on your body fat deposition. Some people may be thin and small overall, but may have increased amount of fat deposited at certain body parts, that Liposuction can help.

the ultimate decision should be made my discussion with a plastic surgeon.

1 UpVoted this answer
Liposuction is a procedure that is best for patients who are of normal weight or slightly overweight to have troubled areas treated that do not respond to diet or exercise. The procedure is not meant for the patient who is grossly overweight looking for weight reduction. It is purely a shaping procedure. Many women in particular tend to have fullness or a "little pooch" of fat in the lower abdomen. When this is being treated the flank areas can also be treated as well. Patients who are very muscular will tend to not have a sleek waist due to the fullness of the oblique muscles. Based on the small amount of information I know about you, it appears that you are most likely a good candidate for the procedure. This can only truly be determined at the time of a consultation and physical exam. There are different Liposuction modalities including laser Liposuction also known as SmartLipo. I have used all the different types of Lipo over the years, and I find this to be a very efficient method of fat removal. I would recommend a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to be assessed and also to learn about the procedure.
1 UpVoted this answer
At your age, your skin elasticity should be excellent so that answers the first question. The second thing to determine at your consultation is for the plastic surgeon to give you a realistic assessment of what kind of result you can expect. We do this by pinching the skin/fat in the area of question to assess how thick the fat layer is. Realistically, one half to two-thirds of the thickness can be removed. Removal of more than that usually will leave permanent rippling behind. You can then determine whether or not that amount of removal will be worthwhile or not. Be sure you consult with a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

I hope this has been helpful to you.


Robert D. Wilcox, MD
Robert D. Wilcox
1 UpVoted this answer
You sound like a good patient for liposuction - we encourage our patients to be a healthy weight. I even have a lot of models as patients who are thin and just need mini touch ups in problem areas. I would have to see you in consultation to get a better idea of what you mean by tapered waist. Feel free to look at the photos and videos on my website
1 UpVoted this answer
A healthy young adult with fat underneath the skin around the waist should obtain an improvement after liposuction. This improvement can vary from dramatic to modest depending on the exact distribution of that individual's fat and the elasticty of their skin. To get a more specific answer you need to have a consultation with an experienced liposuction surgeon.
Curtis Perry
Liposuction is designed for treating troublesome localized fat areas in people who are not otherwise overweight like what you describe. Whether a doctor will do it on you depends on how reasonable your request is and how severe your depression is. See a board certified plastic surgeon with significant experience in liposuction as there are many minimally trained physicians doing liposuction today.
Liposuction is a great procedure for treating some of your deeper and more stubborn fat stores. Your body has different kinds and different layers of fat in different areas, and men and women are built differently. For many reasons (genetics, hormones, anatomy, physiology, etc.) some of the deep fat layers are hard to get rid of no matter how much dieting and exercising you may do but they tend to be the best areas to treat with the liposuction. I would encourage you to have a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to help you determine whether or not you would be a good candidate for one of the many liposuction techniques.
It seems that you would be a candidate. Just keep the expectations realistic. Of course, the benefits and risks would be discussed with your surgeon at the time of consultation. Traditional liposuction techniques or ultrasonic liposuction are potential options.
Ravinder Jarial
plase share some pictures to find out what type of liposuction will be the best for you depending on your mesurements i am a plastic surgeon that is certified for the American Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons(ASAPS) you can send your photos to our email :
Mario Alfonso Gonzalez Cepeda