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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

IV Sedation or General Aneshia

hello, i am planning on undergoing a septo/rhino plasty next month.

i am a healthy male lab work within 4 months, have never undergone any surgery of what so ever..

should i be concerned going under?

i will be having a pre opp meeting jan 5th, over a week prior to surgery.

is it good to request meds that do not make one vomit?

and which one is safer.. not sure how i will react.
  • Male | 36 years old

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2 UpVoted this answer
Anesthesia for Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty is likely safer with a general anesthesia to help protect the airway. With endo-tracheal intubation for any plastic surgery procedure, the airway is protected from oral secretions or blood from the rhinoplasty or nose job draining into the nasopharynx. With general anesthesia, your airway and vital signs are being monitored and for a healthy patient, it is likely safer despite the patient fear and anxiety.
1 UpVoted this answer
I have performed over 3,000 rhinoplasties, the vast majority under local anesthesia with IV sedation...This technique is not only safer, but also lends itself to less post op complications and quicker recovery...
Csaba L. Magassy
1 UpVoted this answer
I strongly advise AGAINST general anesthesia for a rhinoplasty. There is no need for it and it can be very dangerous on rare occasions.
Howard Bellin
1 UpVoted this answer
Anesthesia these days is very very safe, largely because the anesthesia field adopted many practices from the aviation injury to prevent avoidable errors. So, as a healthy young person you should not be concerned. Lab work is commonly obtained prior to elective surgery like septorhinoplasty, and 4 months is not too far for someone who is healthy and not on any prescriptions for blood pressure, etc. Most surgeons try to give you medications that are not associated with nausea/vomiting, however all narcotics (i.e. vicodin) can cause nausea and you will probably need narcotic pain medicine for 1-4 days after the surgery. Best of luck!
Garrett R. Griffin
1 UpVoted this answer

As a healthy 36 year old male with no medical history to be concerned about, anesthesia is very safe.

Most Rhino/Septoplasty procedures are usually completed within a couple of hours do anesthesia should not be a concern. A Board Certified Anesthesiologist is always best, and general sedation is recommended so that your breathing airway can be protected.

If you are concerned about nausea, ask for a Zofran or other anti-nausea prescription.

Also remember to eat after the procedure, especially if you are taking pain medication.

Best of luck!
Phillip Miller
1 UpVoted this answer
Both general anesthesia and sedation are quite safe today. In general, a preoperative evaluation is mandatory for all patients over 65 and is recommended for anyone with any significant health problem (hypertension, diabetes, etc.) You are correct in your concerns, but with a good anesthesiologist, risks of complications are fewer than 1%.

I like to use zofran for procedures and prescribe phenergan after surgery. Nothing can wholely eliminate nausea, but these medications can reduce nausea.

When asked about being concerned for surgery, Joan Rivers once responded, "I don't worry about surgery, just anesthesia". I would agree with these concerns. Thus, it is important to speak with your anesthesiologist prior to surgery. They will be most knowledgeable about your risks. However, in my experience, risks are minimal in young healthy patients. At your age, your risks are modest.
1 UpVoted this answer
It's a no brainer in my practice....I do all my rhinoplasties under general anesthesia with a qualified hand picked anesthesiologist..this makes the operation safer by protecting the airway and allowing surgery to proceed in the most meticulous and efficient manner...the individualized use of non narcotic and narcotic anesthetics combined with medicines to prevent nausea, result in patients waking up without pain, headache or stomach upset
Feel free to ask the questions of your surgeon and anesthesia provider. There are medications for postoperative nausea and vomiting that are effective. Your concerns can be discussed with the anesthesia provider before your scheduled procedure.
Ravinder Jarial
I like general anesthesia better, for most cases. The fact is a good anesthesiologist will be able to do both really well, and a good surgeon also who helps, who can numb up your nose if you do in fact, undergo sedation.
You should always be "concerned" but spending time with your surgeon should help with your anxiety. Both anesthesia options are very effective. A great deals depends on your personal preference. In general, having a general anesthetic cost more than IV sedation. Zofran is a good medication to have post operatively if your concerned about nausea.