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4 Reasons Why Ask DoctorBase is the Most Efficient Way to SEO and Establish Your Brand Online

  1. Ask DoctorBase is a free service for patients on the DoctorBase platform - currently servicing over 6 million American patients of record.
  2. All answers submitted by healthcare professionals (you) are for entertainment purposes only and do not constitute doctor-patient relationships. All patients must agree to this before using Ask DoctorBase.
  3. Our software and our Marketing Engineering staff review each answer and optimize your answers for keywords valuable to your specialty. It is a well kept secret that doctors (you) - not SEO consultants - are the ones who have the most valuable content prized by search engines. Ask DoctorBase "unlocks and optimizes" your content in the most efficient manner possible with today's technology.
  4. Finally, the doctor who provides the most popular answer - "the Featured Answer," gets an added benefit by allowing patients to write rave reviews about your expertise - reviews that are submitted to both Google and Google Local through our Preferred Data Provider relationship.

Ask Dr. Molly if you have questions or want a personal session on how to best use Ask DoctorBase for maximum marketing impact.


Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

due date

I know the day i ovulated. Do i calculate based off of my ovulation date or my last period? I ovulated late in my cycle so i would really like a close estimate. My last period was 7-13-14 and i ovulated 8-4-14 the doctor i plan on seeing doesnt do a scan til at least 8 weeks.
  • Female | 19 years old

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If your period started on 7-13-14, then your due date is 4-20-15.
Tell your doctor the day you ovulated and she/he can adjust your due date. This is a very common problem for women who have cycles longer than 28 days. I suspect your ultrasound will give you a different (later) due date than the standard "wheel" that OBs use because the wheel is calibrated for 28 day cycles. My wife had 34 day cycles and we always had to adjust her due date. Good luck.
In general, you will ovulate 2 weeks before your next period, so your usual cycle length can help you pin-point it. Some women get cervical mucous changes during the fertile period, which is the best way to know, and a lot better than an expensive test. The very best protocol is to have sex at least two or three times a week, then there are always sperm present for conception, and you can forget about timing.