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Molly Maloof, MD

Director of Clinical Content

looking for Endodontics

I am looking for dental help to redo my old time RTC in Essex county, NJ.
  • Male | 49 years old
  • Complaint duration: 4 days
  • Medications: Hydrocodon-Acetaminophen 5-300; Cephalexin 500
  • Conditions: my face geometry start changes

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Featured Answer

1 UpVoted this answer
Retreating a root canal should absolutely be with a specialist, an endodontist.

I might suggest you meet with Dr Mark Schracman in West Orange, a board certified endodontist.

He works by referral only so it is fine to use my name for the appointment.

Keep me informed .

Dr E M Caruso

2275 J F Kennedy Blvd

jersey City, NJ 07304

201 434 3819
Edmund M. Caruso
1 UpVoted this answer Stephen TouVelle, DDS Dentist, Bettendorf
It was very good that you asked about re-treating a previously treated root canal therapy. As a general dentist with several decades of experience I would suggest you contact your local dental society and ask about a specialist ( endodontist ). If the tooth can be successfully re-treated this particular dental specialist is best equipped to remove the old filling and re-treat with the highest probability of success. He/she may also advise alternative care. Thanks for a great question
An Endodontist is the very best person to help you out to retreat the root canal.
Why don't you ask your family dentist who he would trust to do the root canal procedure.
From the information you have provided you need to see a Dentist or Endodontist who is can accurately diagnose the problem. Do not wait as your term "my face geometry starts to change" tells me that you do not have much time before the swelling gets worse.
Retreating an old root canal that has failed is like trying to win your money back in Vegas. Not a wise investment. Better to invest in an implant or bridge with more predictable returns.
Daniel B. Strader
An Endodontist is the very best person to help you out. The success rate of retreatment is slightly lower than that of the original treatment, however that is still (in most cases) the optimum treatment. Some teeth crack even with a full coverage crown on them. Reasons for a cracked tooth may include: decay, fracture or even the dryness of the tooth. In the case of a cracked tooth causing your root canal tooth to be painful may result in the eventual loss of the tooth. In this case you have 4 options after extraction 1) leave the space 2) Implant (normally the ideal treatment) 3) bridge 4) partial. Your Dentist will advise and help you make the right decision. Best of luck.
Brian L. Kirkwood, DDS
Google endodontist in your area
Mike Huggins
Google "endodontist in Essex County, NJ". Or ask your general dentist who he/she would go to for similar treatment.
The success of a root canal is normally 90%. When you try to redo a root canal the success will somewhat less than that depending on the condition of the tooth. I highly recommend you see an endodontist to have the retreatment done. Sometimes surgery on the root of the tooth or an implant is a more successful option.
Albert Klitzke